Wednesday, April 4, 2007

a pretty great day :]

hey everyone!
so today was pretty great. i went and hung out with my friend anna, and i havent seen her in ages & then i got to hang out with my favorite people in the world at church. && me & ashley talked to pastor chad about our expectations in a potential boyfriend, haha. i read in First John again last night for my devotion, and the verse "We love him, because he first loved us" -First John 4:19. i really like that verse. i also read First John 4:20 which says "If a man say I love God and hateth his brother, he is a liar for he that loveth not his borther whom he hath seen how can he love God whom he hath not seen?" which makes perfect sense to me, how can you love something you have not seen when you cannot even love those who you do see. the fact is, that we should love everyone, like Jesus does. We've been discussing this in Sunday school with David, and how we dislike people before we even know them. Honestly, we should not judge others, we should leave the judging up to God. and i know its hard, its very hard for me, and i am guilty of judging others on many occasions. but i am def going to pray about it and try to stop. im also still trying to completely knock the word "hate" out of my vocabulary, and let me tell you, this is NOT an easy feat. i didnt realize how many times i actually say the word hate a day until i started trying to stop. y`all please pray about this for me. okay, so for all of you that are wondering about my list of expectations for guys that ashley & i were talking to pastor chad about here it is:
  • Christian
  • absolutely NO cussing
  • kind, considerate
  • accept my friends, and my chruch
  • honest and trustworthy
  • NOT stupid.
  • good grades would be nice, but its not nessesarily a must have
  • respectful
  • i really like it if they play guitar
  • NOT clingy
  • but will make an effort to call and such

there are probably more, but i cant think of them at the moment, so there may be additons on to that list haha.
i love y`all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

1 comment:

Mrs. Irene said...

Hi Crystal,
Just to let you know that you are on the right track with the expectations. Let me encourage you to pray about God's expectations for who He has in mind for you to date and to marry. Stand stong in those expectations and don't compromise either. It's a tough battle but as long as you remain faithful to God, He will be faithful to you. Godly things will happen when you least expect them. Hope you are enjoying your spring break!!!