Tuesday, April 24, 2007

listen to Him :]

hey y`all!
so today was the first day of HSAP testing, and i must say, thank you Jesus, b/c it was the easiest test ever. haha. the testing actually isnt too horrible b/c weston is in my testing room and i dont have any classes with him normally, so its kindah cool. otherwise the day was pretty much normal, except dance was extremely hard, bleh. by the way, i've got a competition this sunday, sorry guys, i really dont like that they're on sundays, so ill miss the 8:30 service, BUT my competition is SO early that i will be able to come to sunday school :] haha. so ill be there around 9:45 and ill probably stay for the 11:00 service, if not, ill listen to Pastor Chad's sermon online. but im warning y`all now, i may be VERY tired b/c ill have been up since 4 and probably look really weird b/c i may have to come with my competition makeup still on...haha i know y`all wanna see that...haha. okay so onto my devotion...last night i did my devotion on listening to God. Pastor Chad was talking about that sunday morning at church, that when we pray to God and ask for help, we should listen to what he tells us to do. i read 2 of my all time favorite verses last night, Proverbs 3:5-6 which say, "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not into thine own understanding. In all thy ways awknowledge him, and he shall direct thy path." If we pray to God and have faith, he'll give us an answer, and he'll direct us in the way we need to go, but we need to listen to him, and not back out because it might not be what we expect or want. yeah thats hard, ill be the first to say its hard, but we've gotta realize that God loves us, and he wants only what is best for us. I know i havent always listened to him, and def. not right away, but im getting alot better because i've realized when i do listen to him, things turn out alot better than if i try to take things into my own hands, b/c i cant do it alone. i need my Jesus :]] so the fact is, if we pray to God and ask him for things, we've gotta listen to what he tells us to do. it'll help :] also we need to do things for the glory of God, like these verses say "In all thy ways awknowledge him..." like when we get up there to dance, like in facing the giants, dont do it for dance, or for ourselves, or to win, do it for God. and i think im def gunna tell my team that tomorrow :] well y`all i've got to take a shower haha so i will write tomorrow! oh btw crystal- i love your 'peace love and hair grease' thing. haha.
i love y`all!!
God Bless!

-crystal jade

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