Wednesday, April 11, 2007

good morning y`all!

hey y`all!
i wish i had my devotion notebook, so i could write about my devotion from last night, im def. going to start bringing it to school with me. ill write about my devotion after i get home from church tonight :]. so, i burnt my forehead with my straightener this morning--ouch. haha, ashley told me im supposed to straigthen my hair, not my head. haha shes probably right. this class is def. boring, im always finished with my work like 20 minutes early. my friend Josh was over there sleeping earlier. bad kid. haha. anyway, my mission this week is to find somebody to invite to church, which is a little difficult for me since the only people i really hang out with already go to New Hope. but im trying. i really want my friend anna to come with me, shes not saved, and i think it'd be good for her. i agree with David when he said it doesnt really matter how we get 'em there, just get them there, so im hoping she'll come to watch the band play and i'll let God do his work :]
well ill post when i get home from youth tonight!
i love y`all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

1 comment:

Allen said...

You know, you really are da' bomb. You get it! We are supposed to ask people to come to church with us. You pray about it and God will give you the opportunity to ask someone to come to church. But don't limit your mission and your God so much, how about someone each day instead of someone this week. If every student in our group would get it, we would have 50+ students by summer break. I am proud of the stand you are taking for Christ. You keep studying your bible and keep doing what God has called you to do. I am so glad God saw that you were needed as part of our ministry at New Hope. See you tonight and who knows, maybe your friend also.