Monday, April 2, 2007

lazy days...

hey y`all.
today has been a lazy day, i've done pretty much nothing, except i helped mother out around the house a little this morning. haha. im gunna go to frankies later with my favorite people in the world-NHBC youth-later tonight :] so im pretty excited about that. i've somehow managed to rip my finger open on the swings at church last night and it is hurting pretty bad to type right now, haha. but ill manage. the whole drama thing lately-we talked it out last night-and things are getting better. so thank you Jesus for answering my prayer :]]. i've put on white shorts, i give myself about 10 minutes before i spill something on them and have to change, haha. well theres really not much to write about right now, so ill get back to y`all after frankies tonight!

i love y`all
God Bless!
- crystal jade

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