Friday, April 13, 2007

pretty much...bored.

hey everyone!
im in 2nd period, and we've done absolutely nothing in here today, so i figured i'd write in here. i forgot my devotion book again so, ill def post agian and write about it when i get home from this boring place we call school. haha. i have a suprise birthday party to go to tonight for my friend May, that should be fun. and then i think Chelsea is comming home with me and we're gunna hang out. i've found inviting people is really hard, most people i know already have a church they go to on sunday night or i have guy friends who have girlfriends who wouldnt be too happy if they're b/fs came to church with me. i really wish weston would come to church, i think he might even like new hope, but i'd have to blindfold and kidnap him to get him to church. if anyone has any ideas on how to get him there, help please? haha. im still on my mission to find one more person to invite for Sunday, who knows maybe i'll meet some people to invite at that party tonight. i have invited 2 people, my friend May and this girl my mother takes home, Leah. so hopefully we`ll see them Sunday night. and who knows, maybe i can finally get Anna to come, i wish she wasnt so busy. but ima pray about it :] and Jesus will help me with what to do! i have good news! as of now, i have an A in english class, which is really really rare, lets just see if i can keep it as an A haha. i only have 5 grades so far this semester. so i feel pretty naked today, because i forgot my cellphone at home. this is def. not a good feeling haha.
well ill talk to y`all later!
God Bless!!
- crystal jade

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