Friday, April 27, 2007

thank you God for my friends...

hey y`all!! i am proud to say, i just drove with my aunt from ohio, && she said i did really good, and i didnt get lost!! haha so i will hopefully be getting my liscense reallyyy soon. :]] haha. so today was pretty good, boring at school, as usual, but good. i think im gunna play guitar with my uncle tonight and i8 havent played with him in awhile so he'll teach me some stuff. im listening to God of Wonders right now, just thought i'd mention that b/c its a really good song. anyway, on to my devotion--i did it on friends last night b/c i've realized i have some pretty amazing friends that God has blessed me with. especially weston mitchell kody ashley rachel chelsea & candace... they pretty much hold me together. so anyway, what the bible says about friends: Matthew 18:15 says, "Moreover, if they borther shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear the, thou has gained thy brother." which tells us that whenever our friends do something against us we should go to them and talk to them about it, and if they listen, they are our true friend. which made me realize, well i have this one friend, and he does alot of things that make me kind of mad, but i always go to him and talk to him about it if he does something i dont like, and he listens and we always fix it, and we're pretty great friends, so that really shows me he really is a good and true friend. i also read Phillippians 1:3, which says, "I thank my God upon every rememberance of you." which is what i do with all my friends, i thank God so much for giving me the friends i have. im def. blessed. and then i read one more verse, Proverbs 17:17, which says "A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity." friends should love at all times, and they're there to help you through your troubles. and thats what my friends do, and thats what i do for my friends. God is amazing, and he gave me amazing friends, he gave me the best one i got, Jesus Christ :]] well anyway i just wanted to read on friends and write about how much i love mine and how blessed God has made me.
i love y`all!
God Bless!

- crystal jade

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