Monday, April 9, 2007

my Jesus is amazing

hey y`all!
today was positively boring. i did nothing but sit around like a bum. haha. back to school tomorrow=( i def. do not want to go back to school, haha. Jesus has been working in my life amazingly lately, hes answered my prayer about my relationship with someone last night, and things are finally good :] and im really happy. thank you Jesus. last night for my devotion i read John 20:11-18. talking about Jesus's resurection and when mary magdelane [sp?] saw him and he told her to go and tell his deciples. so about Pastor Chad's sermons on what difference does the resurection make? well it makes all the difference b/c if Jesus didnt resurect, we would have a hopeless religion. i am SO happy to serve a living God. he is amazing!! Thank you so much for dying for me Jesus :]]. i hope to tell a lot of people about Jesus this week, and how great he is and what hes doing in my life. im soo happy my papa is home & safe from africa. y`all should see the necklace hes got me, its so pretty :]
well my day was pretty uneventful haha
i love y`all
God Bless!
- crystal jade

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