Saturday, April 7, 2007

its BIGGER than us.

hey everyone.
so i watched the movie Facing the Giants last night, and it is possibly the best movie ever made. it really shows the amazing things God can do. but the whole thing, applies to not just football but life, and the realization that it infact is BIGGER than us. everything we do should be done for not our own glory, but God's glory. like for instance, when i dance, i know its not me that can do that, its God who gave me the talent to glorify Him. ouch. i just totally ran into the carpet cleaner, and my toe is throbbing. mr allen should get a kick out of that. haha. so, for my devotion last night i read Revelation chapter 3, from Facing the Giants. and the verse Revelation 3:8 which says "I know thy works: behold i have set before thee an open door and no man can shut it; for thou hast a little strength and hast kept my word and has not denied my name." the fact is, when God leaves a door open for us, nobody will stand in His way. Facing the Giants showed me that last night. and i believe it with all my heart. if we stay true to God, and keep faith in Him, then He will get us through ANY troubles we are in. and like from Facing the Giants, tell me whats impossible with God? NOTHING. and i think, that if our football team would do what the Eagles did, i think even Hillcrest could win a season. too bad they dont allow prayer or discussion of religion in the public school. thats what i wrote my persuasive research paper on a few weeks ago, why prayer should be allowed in public schools. now if i had only seen this movie before i wrote the paper i'd have had even stronger pros. so the fact is, you let God into your life, He'll show you amazing things. so anyway, me & ashley had a blast yesterday. we soo watched Cinderella 3. it was a great movie. haha. im totally pumped about Easter sunday tomorrow. i know Pastor Chad's sermon is going to be absoulutely amazing and i hope we have a room FULL of lost people for Jesus to reach out and save :] im also excited, b/c my uncle Dondon has agreed to come, and while hes a Christian, hes strayed from God, and i fully believe God is going to speak through Pastor Chad and speak to my Uncle, and maybe he can get his life turned around. pray for him y`all.
well ima go for now
i love y`all
God Bless!
- crystal jade

and remember...its BIGGER than us.

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