Monday, April 30, 2007

we all have talents...

hey everyone. today was pretty good. kodys had a rough day, so pray for him. and my grandparents and aunt are leaving tomorrow, so pray that they get back to ohio safe. so last night i did my devotion on talents because i had a dance competition and the band played great last night so i figured i'd read up on what God said about talents. and i found this: James 1:17 says "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from about, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning." which tells us, that our gifts come from God and we should use them for his glory :]] Also, First Corinthians 7:7 says "For i would that all men were even as myself but every man hath his prper gift of God, one after this manner and another after that." which is also telling us about God giving us gifts from God, and that we may all have different gifts, but we all have gifts. First Timonthy 4:14 says "Neglect not the gift that is in thee which was given to thee by prophecy with the laying of the hands of the presbytery." which tells us that we shouldnt neglect the gifts God has given us. you see, God gave each and everyone of us a gift, and i believe that we are supposed to use our gifts to gloryify him :] whenever you do something your good at, dont be proud and take the glory, give it to God because he gave the gift to you :] i know that im gunna tell everyone when i do good at something, its all Jesus :] i remember rachel saying that one time after she won a race && i was veryy proud of her :]] soo how will you use your gifts to glorify God??
well im gunna finish my banana pudding
then take a shower
then do my devotion & then go to bed
so ill talk to y`all later
i love y`all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

Sunday, April 29, 2007

i will praise him :]

hey y`all!!
today was one of those really good days. went to church and praised my Jesus, which is my favorite thing to do. speaking of praise, thats what i did my devotion on last night :] but first about my day, i was up late last night and then i was supposed to get up at 4am to get ready for my competition but yeahh i overslept and got up at 5:30 and had to rush to spartanburg. but all went well after that and we scored high gold in hiphop. and i made it in time to go to sunday school today, which was pretty cool. and then after sunday school i went home & took a nap haha b/c i was exahusted. and then i got up and went to church for band practice, practice went good and then we sang in the 5th sunday singing thing and it was really fun! everyone sang amazingly and the band played greatt. mitchell-great job on lead in youth band. and it was just a good day :] now about my devotion last night, i read Psalm 138:1-5, which says, "I will praise thee with my whole heart: before the gods will I sing praise unto thee. I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy loving kindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word about all thy name. In the day when i cried thou answeredest me, and strengthenedest me with strength in my soul. All the kings of the earth shall praise thee, O Lord, when they hear the words of thy mouth. Yea, they shall sing in the ways of the Lord: for great is the glory of the Lord." we should praise the lord in everything we do. like tonight the singing was amazing and everyone got up there soully for God. these verses also say we need to praise him with our whole hearts, and i pretty much think that means with no other reasons behind it. like dont get up on stage to show off, do it to worship Jesus for the wonderful things he does in our lives. when i sing, and when i dance, i know that its only b/c of God that i can, so i do it to praise him. i dont want the glory for it, give it to God :]] i just wanted to say thanks to everyone whos reading my blog, i had some people mention it today so i just wanted to thank everyone who takes the time to read it :]
well i think im gunna help weston out with his paper
and then hit the hay, b/c im exhausted.
i love you all!!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

Saturday, April 28, 2007

a promise :]

hey y`all!! today was pretty great. i went to the mall with chelsea and got 2 really cute new sun dresses and then weston took his break with us so i got to hang out with both of my best friends today :]] i hope ashley & candace are having a good time at promm. lucky girls :] haha. i gotta get up at 4 am because i have to be in spartanburg at 6:45. but i most likely WILL be at sunday school :] so expect me there, if not, ill def be at band practice. i really wish that our competitions we'rent on sundays. well onto my devotion--last night i read about a promise God has made us :] i read Psalm 119:49-56 and these verses stuck out, Psalm 49-50 which says "Remember the word unto they servant, upon which thou hast caused me to hope. This is my comfort in my affliction: for thy word hath quickened me." in other words, God promises through his word, he'll guide us in our troubles. also, Psalm 119:55-56 which says, "I have remembered thy name, O Lord, in the night, and have kept thy law. This I had because I kept thy precepts." we need to remember God when we go through troubles, b/c he can get us through them :] and i know, i write about this a whole lot, but God has showed himself in my life big time when i've been in troubles and prayed about it and asked for his help. he shows himself in amazing ways :]
well ill see y`all tomorrow!
wish me luch at my competition!
i love you all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

Friday, April 27, 2007

thank you God for my friends...

hey y`all!! i am proud to say, i just drove with my aunt from ohio, && she said i did really good, and i didnt get lost!! haha so i will hopefully be getting my liscense reallyyy soon. :]] haha. so today was pretty good, boring at school, as usual, but good. i think im gunna play guitar with my uncle tonight and i8 havent played with him in awhile so he'll teach me some stuff. im listening to God of Wonders right now, just thought i'd mention that b/c its a really good song. anyway, on to my devotion--i did it on friends last night b/c i've realized i have some pretty amazing friends that God has blessed me with. especially weston mitchell kody ashley rachel chelsea & candace... they pretty much hold me together. so anyway, what the bible says about friends: Matthew 18:15 says, "Moreover, if they borther shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear the, thou has gained thy brother." which tells us that whenever our friends do something against us we should go to them and talk to them about it, and if they listen, they are our true friend. which made me realize, well i have this one friend, and he does alot of things that make me kind of mad, but i always go to him and talk to him about it if he does something i dont like, and he listens and we always fix it, and we're pretty great friends, so that really shows me he really is a good and true friend. i also read Phillippians 1:3, which says, "I thank my God upon every rememberance of you." which is what i do with all my friends, i thank God so much for giving me the friends i have. im def. blessed. and then i read one more verse, Proverbs 17:17, which says "A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity." friends should love at all times, and they're there to help you through your troubles. and thats what my friends do, and thats what i do for my friends. God is amazing, and he gave me amazing friends, he gave me the best one i got, Jesus Christ :]] well anyway i just wanted to read on friends and write about how much i love mine and how blessed God has made me.
i love y`all!
God Bless!

- crystal jade

the family is here

hey y`all! im in second period, as usual, bored. i havent been in this class all week b/c of HSAP testing but now we're back to regular schedule. testing was pretty cool though b/c it was really easy and i got to hang out with weston since i dont normally have a class with him. i fell out of my chair yesterday, he thought it was hysterical, me-not so much. haha. but that kind of stuff happens to me daily because im a bit of a klutz. anyway, my dads mother, step-dad, and older sister are down from ohio to visit us until like tuesday. and dont get me wrong, i love my family, but they arent real religious, and im not sure if they're Christians, so pray that i get them to come to church sunday, probably sunday night, b/c i have a competition that morning. so im really hoping God will speak through me and i'll witness to them, and then take them to church to hear God speak through Pastor Chad! ill make them come so they can hear me sing--hey--its a way to get 'em there, isnt it? haha. mr allen-im still inviting anna, she cant come this sunday--but im prayin for next, okay?
well y`all ill write about my devotion last night (i did it on friends) when i get home where my notebook is!!
i love y`all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

Thursday, April 26, 2007

difficult days...

hey y`all! so today was a ton better than yesterday. yesterday was pretty much one of those difficult days you know? && so i went to Jesus about it, and thats what i did my devotion on, so i'll tell y`all about that in a minute. first, why yesterday was so bad was well at school, my shoe broke, and then i fell up the stairs, then went to church and had drama with someone i really really hate to fight with. but when i got home i prayed about it, and Jesus showed up in a big way. i was just telling rachel about how i wanted to talk to kody about it b/c hes a really good friend and he makes me feel better and like 2 seconds later, no joke, he calls me to see whats wrong cause he knew i was upset at church. that is a real friend, gosh kody thank youu babe. haha. anyway then i talked it out with the person i had drama with and all is good. okay so i read 2 Corinthians 4:8-9 last night...which says, "We are trouble on every side yet not distressed: we are perplexed but not in depair; persecuted but not forsaken; cast down but not destoryed" which i thought was cool because its noticably where the song 'Trading my Sorrows' comes from [we're pressed but not crushed, persecuted not abandoned, struck down but not destroyed] anyway it tells us that we will go through troubles but to not let them get to us b/c Jesus is there and even though were persecuted Jesus will NEVER abandon us, and we can ALWAYS go to him when we have a problem, or a difficult day. and he will make it so much better, like he did for me last night. thank you so much Jesus. i also read Psalm 112:7, "He shall not be afraid of evil tidings: his heart is fixed trusting in the Lord" which tells us, we shouldnt be afraid of troubles and bad things that happen to us b/c if we trust in the Lord with all our hearts, he'll be there. Jesus promises us that, hes always with us, always in my heart with me:] and i love having him here. hes amazing. so remember, if you have a difficult day, trust in God, b/c he'll show up big time like he did for me last night!!!
well i love y`all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

walk in love

good morning! i wanted to get on and write about my devotion from tuesday night this morning, b/c i didnt have time to do it last night. first of all i want to say that kody is probably one of the best friends i've got and i wanted to thank him a ton because he really made me feel better last night. hes honestly the only friend i've got that would care to call and find out whats wrong when he saw me upset. Jesus really showed up in my life last night when i prayed about the drama i'd had at church. thank you SO much Jesus. and the drama is solved-still a bit hurt, but i'll be okay:] anyways, i read about walking in love last night. 2 John 3-6 says "Grace be with you, mercy, and peace from God the Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ, the sone of thte Father in truth and love. I rejoiced greatly taht I found of thy children walking in truth, as we have recived a commandment from the Father. And now i beseech you the lady, notas though I wrote a new commandment unto thee, but that which we had from the begining that we love one another. And this is love, that we walk after his commandment, that as e have heard from the begining, ye should walk in it." well those verses state it pretty straight up. we should walk in love. think about when your walking down the hall at school, do people know your a Christian? we also need to show love in the way we treat everyone, it lets God show through us. we should walk in love every single day and show others what God has given us. because he is amazingg. sorry this is short, but i kinda have to get ready for school, && my head is killingg me. so pray for me please :] oh && i've got family comming in from ohio today, so pray they have a safe trip! i will write about my devotion from last night when i get home from school, mmk?
i love y`all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

night y`all

hey y`all. well im on the phone with kody so this is probably gunna be short. i ready 2 John 1-6 last night and its got a really good lesson, but ill write about it tomorrow morning b/c i dont have time tonight b/c mom wants me to get off now. haha
i love y`all
btw thanks for lettin me talk to u mr allen!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

listen to Him :]

hey y`all!
so today was the first day of HSAP testing, and i must say, thank you Jesus, b/c it was the easiest test ever. haha. the testing actually isnt too horrible b/c weston is in my testing room and i dont have any classes with him normally, so its kindah cool. otherwise the day was pretty much normal, except dance was extremely hard, bleh. by the way, i've got a competition this sunday, sorry guys, i really dont like that they're on sundays, so ill miss the 8:30 service, BUT my competition is SO early that i will be able to come to sunday school :] haha. so ill be there around 9:45 and ill probably stay for the 11:00 service, if not, ill listen to Pastor Chad's sermon online. but im warning y`all now, i may be VERY tired b/c ill have been up since 4 and probably look really weird b/c i may have to come with my competition makeup still on...haha i know y`all wanna see that...haha. okay so onto my devotion...last night i did my devotion on listening to God. Pastor Chad was talking about that sunday morning at church, that when we pray to God and ask for help, we should listen to what he tells us to do. i read 2 of my all time favorite verses last night, Proverbs 3:5-6 which say, "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not into thine own understanding. In all thy ways awknowledge him, and he shall direct thy path." If we pray to God and have faith, he'll give us an answer, and he'll direct us in the way we need to go, but we need to listen to him, and not back out because it might not be what we expect or want. yeah thats hard, ill be the first to say its hard, but we've gotta realize that God loves us, and he wants only what is best for us. I know i havent always listened to him, and def. not right away, but im getting alot better because i've realized when i do listen to him, things turn out alot better than if i try to take things into my own hands, b/c i cant do it alone. i need my Jesus :]] so the fact is, if we pray to God and ask him for things, we've gotta listen to what he tells us to do. it'll help :] also we need to do things for the glory of God, like these verses say "In all thy ways awknowledge him..." like when we get up there to dance, like in facing the giants, dont do it for dance, or for ourselves, or to win, do it for God. and i think im def gunna tell my team that tomorrow :] well y`all i've got to take a shower haha so i will write tomorrow! oh btw crystal- i love your 'peace love and hair grease' thing. haha.
i love y`all!!
God Bless!

-crystal jade

Monday, April 23, 2007

things not seen...

hey y`all!
today was pretty good. mostly boring really. mondays are always boring b/c they never compare to sunday haha. HSAP testing tomorrow-thursday, pray that i do well :]. i have become addcited to this song rachel has on her myspace. its by Fireflight, & its called "its you" its an amazing song. great lyrics. it'd be cool if me ash & candace did it for youth band. anyway i decided to do my devotion last night on faith. everytime i think about i think back to sunday school and this thing mitchell said, "people have a problem with faith because they cant see it." and thats absolutely true. but if we dont have faith, we have nothing. i know how amazing God is when you put your faith in him. so here are a couple amazing verses on faith, Hebrew 11:1 which says "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen" which is completely true. i love that. we have to be sure of what we're hoping for, and know that God will make it happen, even when we cant see him. Hebrew 11:3 is also a good verse, "Through faith we understand that the worlds were not made of things which do appear" which tells us the universe was made from something not seen, which i'd like to say pretty much disproves that stupid big bang theory. and the last verse i read, is def. an amazing one. Hebrew 11:6 which says, "But without faith it is impossible to please him, for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him." this passage tells us that we must have faith in our Lord when we ask him for something, for he answers those who believe in him. we cannot doubt. i know that when i put my complete trust in God things always turn out great b/c God is there for me. we need to realize that we cant make it through anything on our own, we have to realize that God is there for us, and if we dont put our faith in him, we'll fail. i know the minute i realized that it was the minute my life got a million times better. ohh && mr allen & mrs irene- how'd the clowning go??
i love y'all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

Sunday, April 22, 2007

love your enemies.

hey y`all! today was amazing of course, i love new hope baptist!! Pastor Chad-great sermon this morning. i loved it. David-you did GREAT! i loved your sermon too, & it really helped me. Crystal-you sang that song beautifully! Mr Allen-we miss you! Mitchell-amazing on guitar, as always. Willie-thanks for singing with us, we'd be off without you. haha. Robbie- you of course always help us:] i may not be at church next sunday morning b/c i have a competition but i hoping it will be in between morning service & band practice that way i can make both, so y`all please pray that its from 11-3 somewhere in there. so, my devotion last night :] i read in John, 14:19-25. and these verses stuck out : "At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me and I in you. He that hath my comandments cand keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him." John 14:20-21. these verses tell us that if we are in Jesus Christ, and keep his commandments he will show himself through us. like i said last night, we need to set examples. and like Pastor Chad has said many times, we need to make other people realize we're part of something bigger & so that they will want to be part of it too. 2 more verses that stuck out were John 14:23-24 which say, "Jesus answered and said unto him, if a man love me, he will keep my words and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him and make ourselves abode with him. He that loveth me not keepth not my sayings: and the word which ye hear is not mine but the Fathers which sent me." If we listen to Jesus, and do what he taught us to do, God will love us. He tells us, while he was here as a man, it wasnt him speaking, it was God speaking through him, much like God speaks through us. we need to let God reach out to the lost through us. and something else i've said alot and i've been thinking alot, is loving those who we dont necessarily like. i struggle with this, i've had quite a bit of drama in my life, and even if i've forgiven the person who caused it i have a hard time loving them. now my recent drama, i didnt have a problem with that one. but for older drama, and a few girls that have caused it, i really did have a horrible time trying to love them and forgive them. i've forgiven savannah, the girl that caused alot of drama last year and the begining of this year, and i love her in Christ. but theres a couple girls that i finally forgave tonight after Davids sermon, but i still have a really hard time loving them. and im going to pray about this and work on it :].
i love you all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

Saturday, April 21, 2007

lets show the world we live for Christ :]

hey everyone! mr allen- great blog. haha just what i've been lookin for. so last night was rough, at about 3:00 am i got a stomach ache & it lasted until about 11:00, i felt pretty horrid. but i prayed about it, and Jesus took my pain away, and i feel better now:] thank you Jesus :] so i read in my devotion last night, or i should say this morning, John 13: 31-35. here are the verses that caught my attention, John 13:33-35 says, "Little children yet a little while I am with you. Ye shall seek me and as i said unto the Jews, wither I go, ye cannot come: so how I say to you. A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples if ye have love to one another." These verses tell us that we must show eachothers that we are Gods children by loving one another, if we show hatred nobody would see us as Christians, but if we show love, then people will view us as followers of God, and this is exactly what God wants. He wants us to show others not only through our words, but through our actions, that we are on fire for Him and that we love one another as He loves us. God really wants us to show His love to everyone in the world, and yeah, its sometimes scary, but we have the Holy Spirit to guide us. Jesus is with us, so we're never alone :]] We need to love others just for simply the people they are and let everyone see that Jesus dwells in us :]] b/c i know i can feel Jesus inside of me & lemme tell ya, its one amazing feeling. Jesus is most def the amazing person i have ever met in my life :] and im def going to pray to God about even loving my enemies, people i dont particularly like, b/c yeahh thats hard, but we need to do it, b/c thats what Jesus would do! oh & mr allen, yes guys do talk about cars a whole lot. haha. i found out that one last night. haha.
i love y`all
God Bless!
- crystal jade

Friday, April 20, 2007

humbling ourselves to do what God wants!

hey everyone! im just sitting at home right now with my friend kelly! we just went on a walk haha and i think thats the most excerise i think i've had since i walked 4 miles with candace! haha. so first of all i wanna say i know God will speak through you in Charleston this weekend mr Allen && im prayin for ya! also, lady rams lax-GOOD LUCK TONIGHT! its y`alls last game, take 'em out :] haha. Pastor Chad i forgot to say this yesterday-im glad sanjaya got voted off too haha, and i cant wait to hear your sermon sunday morning!! anyway...on to my devotion from last night. i read in 1st Peter, verses 5:5-7 which say, "LIkewise, ye younger submit yourselves unto the elder. Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility; for God resisteh the proud, and giveth grace to the humble. Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he will exalt you in due time: casting all your care upon Him; for He careth for you." i've been talking a lot about humbiling yourself lately, these verses tell us that God resists the proud but he gives grace to the humble and that we should do what God wants us to do, not what we want to do. We should only care what he wants for us, not what we want. I've been thinking about this a lot lately, like i want to be a forensic scientist [crime scene investigator] but i want to make sure this is what God wants me to do, b/c i dont want to go to college for this occupation if this isnt what God wants for me, you know? i want to follow where God leads me, so im gunna keep praying about it and see if this is for sure what he wants me to do. everyone should humble themselves before God and be subject to what he wants for us, because God loves us, and he only wants whats best for us :] so im gunna keep praying, and mr allen -im still asking anna to come, im gettin here there i promise!! haha
i love you all.
God Bless!
- crystal jade

Thursday, April 19, 2007

persecuted not abandoned...

hey!! so today was pretty good. just pretty normal at school as usual. cant wait to get back to church Sunday :]] My devotion last night was Matthew 5:3-11 which says: "Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted. Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled. Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God. Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake." Basically this passage is telling us what God will do for us :] we, as Christians should be pure in our hearts and minds. this passage also tells us that if we are merciful to others, that God will be mercyiful to us. as Christians we should give others mercy and show a kind heart to the lost. it also talks about us being meek, we should not be boastful or agressive if we are meek we will gain more than if we are proud. we should aim to make peace and not fight with others for useless reasons andd we should be glad, even when we are persecuted because we are taking a stand for Jesus, who died for us :]] and i mean if your gunna stick up for someone it might as well be the someone who died to save you...the someone who is the reason your allowed in heaven. im just soo happy that we serve a living God. if we take a stand for our faith, we are blessed by God and he is just that great and amazing and i love my Jesus!!!
i'll talk to y`all later
i love you all!
God Bless!!
- crystal jade

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

humble yourself :]

hey y`all.
so today was an amazing day. first of all, i got into 2nd period and read pastor chads blog, and that just blew me away. and i made a 97 on my science test and then i went to church tonight and learned abou Jesus and had a great time with friends & talked to mr allen for awhile. it was just one of those days :]] God is really working in my life. its amazing what hes doing for me when i've turned my life over to him. i LOVE you Jesus. anyway, onto my devotion from last night. i read in James. James 4:6-10 which says "But he giveth more grace wherefor he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble. Sumbit yourselves therefore to God resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded. Be afflicted, and mourn, and weep: let your laughter be turned into mourning and your joy to heaviness. Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lodr and He shall life you up." soo the fact is, God would rather you be humble than proud, humble yourself and live for God rather than be proud and live for yourself! it also says if we submit ourselves to God and resist the devil, that he will flee from us. we can ride ourselves of the devil if we look to God for guidance. we also need to repent for our sins. it says that if we humble ourselves in the sight of the Lord that he will lift us up! we have got to realize that we cannot do anything on our own, we need Gods help, to get out of troubles and to rid us of our sorrows and--to face our giants, like the movie. i finally realized i couldnt do it alone, and now things are so much better. the fact is, we can accomplish anything through God. i turned my troubles with that drama situation i had recently over to God, and he totally answered my prayers, no more drama & me & that person are getting along amazingly :]. today was just one of those God-blessed days. and i thank him for it :] oh and mr allen, i liked the song you showed me & i think it'd be cool if crystal sang it. i love all you people at new hope, y`all are amazing.
ill talk to y`all later
God Bless!
- crystal jade

pretty much overwhelmed!

im in second period at the moment and i finished my work so i figured i'd go and read Pastor Chad's blog. well i read the title and it said "hero of the week". i had no idea that it would be me. thanks pastor chad, for reading my blog and i am totally estatic to be chosen as your hero of the week. it really excites me that my pastor, youth pastor, music minister, and youth leaders take the time to read my blog. the things i have been realizing through my devotions lately are only because of God and because he has blessed me with understanding! and i really hope that God will continue to speak through me to other people and that they'll realize the great things that He can do! b/c lemme tell you, he is working amazingly in my life. everything is so much easier when i turn it over to God! well today is one of the best days ever :] thank you Jesus!!! well i cant wait to go to church tonight & see my favorite people :] and i'll post about my devotion last night when i get home :]]
i love you all!
God Bless!

- crystal jade

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Love others as God loves you.

hey y`all! i just got home from dance. our jazz is comming along, i wish we were doing harder stuff in it though. well i read Jon 15:9-16 last night, on love. John 15:9-16 says, "As the Father hath loved me; so have I loved you: continue ye in My love. If ye keep My commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father's commandments and abide in His love. These things have I spoken unto you, that My joy might remain in you and that your joy migth be full. This is My commandment that ye love one another as I have loved you. Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you. Hence forth I call you not servants for the servent knoweth not what his lord doeth but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of My Father I have made known unto you. Ye have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit and that your fruit should remain: That whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it to you." I also read John 13:34-35 and John 14:15, 21-24 but i thought John 15:9-16 basically summed it all up, so i wont type those others, i reccomend you read them though :] anyway, these verses tell us we should love others as God has loved us. There is NO greater love than that of Jesus, who gave his life to save us. this is one of my greatest struggles, is loving everyone. b/c there are those people that you just dont like. people that have wronged you in some way, and we are supposed to forgive, but it def. isnt easy. Theres this one girl, who caused me a ton of drama for the past 2 years, and she stabbed me in the back a good 3 times & then continuted to talk about me after that for months, it took me a VERY long time to forgive her. and i wasnt able too until i started going to church at new hope and i finally did forgive her. now i have no intrest in being her friend, but i love her in God, he didnt say we had to like everyone, and i cant say i like her for what shes done to me, but i do forgive her. forgiveness is something most Christians struggle with, but i do my best. it may take me some time to forgive certain people, but i will forgive you if you ask and even if you dont, eventually. so the fact is, we need to love everyone and love them like Jesus loves us. also, when we are having problems, we need to pray to God about it. and ask it in Jesus name. b/c God will show you some AMAZING things if you let him. so like off facing the giants...What is impossible with God?
N O T H I N G!

i love y`all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

bored in 2nd period

hey y`all!!
im in 2nd period, and its pretty boring, so i figured i'd post :] ill post again tonight about my devotion. last night i posted a survey on myspace to see what people knew/thought about me and they said that i was a good girl, and thats what i like to hear :] i was really happy to know that people view me as a Christian, and that I come across as a Christian, i was pretty much excited about that. so, weston scared me at my locker this morning, i dont know why on earth he does that. but he enjoys it. haha. so the lax team has a game tonight so GOOD LUCK chelsea & candace! they've also got one tomorrow, sorry i cant be there, i've got dance right when the game starts, & then church with the best people ever :]. so anyway i am SO ready for summer. 32 days of school left i do believe. and that includes HSAP testing && finals. soo...not many more days of actual sitting in class & learning. thank goodness i am so ready for sophomore year to be overr. haha. i am gunna continue to invite people to church this week, and who knows, maybe ill actually get anna to come this sunday. shes always so busy. but im tryin!
well ill post when i get home where my devotion notebook is :]
i love y`all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

Monday, April 16, 2007

dead and alive at the same time?

hey everyone!!
today was the usual boring day at school. haha. but i am trying to show others through my actions that i live for Jesus!! first of all, i wanna say i am SO excited for this summer and what God has instore for our youth group and new hope baptist church. i cant wait to do the things we brainstormed last night during our small group time! and i am gunna keep invitin people until they get to new hope b/c i know they'll love our youth group. its my favorite place ever, and it could be theres too! so i read some pretty awesome verses last night. i read in Romans. i read chapter 6:4-6 which says "Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life. For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall also in the likeness of his resurection: Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin." these verses talk about how once we accept Christ we no longer serve sin, are reborn, resurected, like Christ was from the grave. we have a new life and we need to live it like we're different, we have to be leaders and show others that theres something different about us [mr allen has been preaching on this] and show them that they will want to be a part of this. a part of something BIGGER than us [Pastor Chads been preaching on that] i also read verses 6:10-11 which say "For in that he died, he died unto sin once: but in that he liveth, he liveth unto God. Like wise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord." So like Jesus, we should be dead unto sin, and live in God. this is how we are both dead & alive at the same time. Once we become saved and re-born we are dead from sin, but we are newly alive in Christ and that should excite us all!! So like Mr Allen& Pastor Chad have been saying, we need to set an example for the lost, show them we're part of something bigger, so they'll want to be part of it too. im not the best at setting an example, but i am trying, and i am getting better :]]
i love y`all!
God Bless!!
- crystal jade

Sunday, April 15, 2007

some more on serving :]

hey y`all! today was a greatt day. i got up and went to my favorite place, new hope! to worship Jesus and then i went out to eat with my favorite people, ashley rachel mitchell brad & candace and then i went & helped candace pick out her prom dress & then it was back to church for band practice! well pastor Chad, your message was great this morning :]] God really spoke through you. the band did great this morning, and even we [the youth band] didnt sound half bad, mitchell did really really good playing lead today!! && crystal- you did great singing 'i need you to love me'! Our bands sing for Jesus alone :]! well anyway on to my devotion last night...i read more on us as Christians, being servents, which really tied into davids sunday school lesson this morning. i read Phillippians 2:7-8 "But made himself of no reputation and took upon him the from of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: And being found in fashin as a man he humbled hismelf and became obident unto deth, even the death of the cross" which is telling us that even Jesus, our Lord of Lords, King of Kings, humbled himself as a servent, he even gave his life for us, and died in one of the most painful ways possbile. all for us. now tell me that Jesus doesnt love us? he loves us more than we can ever imagine. now if our savior, lord, and God can humble himself to be a servant, why cant we do the same? i am def going to work on serving God and people better. i also read Phillippians 2:10-11 which says "That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven and thins in earth and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the father." which was neat b/c thats in a song too...haha. i love it how i can look through the bible and pick out verses that songs are from, haha. b/c i just absolutely love music. i love to sing, i love to play guitar, i love to dance, && i love to listen to it. its amazing. well any way today was just amazing. i am blessed by God for all my wonderful friends!
i love you all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

Saturday, April 14, 2007

we're put here to serve :]

good morning!
well i didnt end up babysitting, nobody called, so i really hope they have help up there. So, last night, i read about us being servents. Mark 10:43-45 says, "But so shall it not be among you: but whosoever will be great among you shall be your minster: And whosoever of you will be the cheifest, shall be servant of all. For even the son of man came not to be ministered unto but to minster, and to give his life a ransom for many" The fact is, we were put here to serve. to serve God, and to serve others. i know im not best at this, but i try, there are times when i dont serve others and do everything for someone else that i could, and i realize that, but im trying to be a better servant. one thing i know that we can do to serve God is to witness. its our job as Christians. and im still praying about it, because its down right scary, you know? because we're scared that our friends will become angry with us. but like Mr Allen said wednesday night, we is it really worth our friends not comming to Christ, and not going to heaven, over them getting angry with us? i think not. what Mr Allen said made me realize that yeah, our friends may become angry with us, but atleast we have a chance to see them in heaven. b/c i know it kills me to know that one of my friends isnt saved and im not sure that when i go to heaven, if they'll be there. i really really want to see ALL of my friends in heaven one day.
well i love y`all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

Friday, April 13, 2007

Do we understand?

hey y`all. i just got home from May's surprise party, it was a blast. now im incredibly sleepy and i think i may have to babysit up at the church in the morning, so, ima write about my devotion and then im gunna go to sleep haha. okay so i read in Matthew last night. Matthew 13:13-15 says This is why I speak to them in parables: "Though seeing, they do not see; though hearing, they do not hear or understand. In them is fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah: "You will be ever hearing but never understanding; you will be ever seeing but never perceiving. For this people's heart has become calloused; they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts and turn, and I would heal them. This talks about how people hear and see, but they do not understand what they hear or see. This is why some people do not understand the word of God. They're hearts are calloused and hardened to God, and he cannot get past all those hard layers into the poeples hearts, and they do not hear or see what God is telling them or showing them. we must remember to always keep our eyes open to see what God is doing in our lives and other lives, and keep our ears keen so we can hear about the wonderful works of God and hear his word. We need to dwell in his word and in prayer so that our hearts do not become calloused and keep Jesus out :] This helped me understand why some people just dont get it when you talk to them about God. keep this in mind :]
well i'll talk to y`all tomorrow!
i love you all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

pretty much...bored.

hey everyone!
im in 2nd period, and we've done absolutely nothing in here today, so i figured i'd write in here. i forgot my devotion book again so, ill def post agian and write about it when i get home from this boring place we call school. haha. i have a suprise birthday party to go to tonight for my friend May, that should be fun. and then i think Chelsea is comming home with me and we're gunna hang out. i've found inviting people is really hard, most people i know already have a church they go to on sunday night or i have guy friends who have girlfriends who wouldnt be too happy if they're b/fs came to church with me. i really wish weston would come to church, i think he might even like new hope, but i'd have to blindfold and kidnap him to get him to church. if anyone has any ideas on how to get him there, help please? haha. im still on my mission to find one more person to invite for Sunday, who knows maybe i'll meet some people to invite at that party tonight. i have invited 2 people, my friend May and this girl my mother takes home, Leah. so hopefully we`ll see them Sunday night. and who knows, maybe i can finally get Anna to come, i wish she wasnt so busy. but ima pray about it :] and Jesus will help me with what to do! i have good news! as of now, i have an A in english class, which is really really rare, lets just see if i can keep it as an A haha. i only have 5 grades so far this semester. so i feel pretty naked today, because i forgot my cellphone at home. this is def. not a good feeling haha.
well ill talk to y`all later!
God Bless!!
- crystal jade

Thursday, April 12, 2007

im trading my sorrows!

hey y`all!
today was pretty good. rather boring, but thats alright. i had a really hard english quiz today, so i probably didnt get a great grade on it, but it wasnt too bad. okay so in my devotion last night i read about how sorrow can last through a night, but joy will come when you put your faith in Jesus! John 16:20 says "Verily, verily I say unto you, That ye shall weep and lament but the world shall rejoice: and ye shall be sorrowful, but your sorrow shall be turned into joy" about how the Deciples would be sorrowful when Jesus was crucified but joy would replace that sorrow because he will return and now hes alive forever! i also read John 16:22-24 which says "And ye now therefore have sorrow: but I will see you again and your heart shall rejoice, and your joy no man taketh from you. And in that day ye shall ask me nothing, Verily, Verily I say unto you whatsoever ye shall ask the father in my name, he will give it to you. Hither to have ye asked nothing in my name: ask and ye shall recieve; that your joy may be full." which is talking about how we will have sorrows, but if we ask God in Jesus name to help us, he will. everyone has troubles and sorrows, but we cant let them affect us we have to turn it over to God, just like the song says "I'm trading my sorrows..." because hes there to help us through anything :] after you turn it over to God your not upset anymore and your happy because you know your not alone :] i cant stress that enough b/c i know how crappy i feel when i dont turn it over to God. so i've invited one person to chruch this week, 2 more to go :] and who knows, maybe more than that :]
well i love y`all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

the second comming :]

hey y`all.
i just got home from church with my favorite people, and the problems i've been having lately with a certian person in there seem to be resolved and im really really happy about that. Jesus answered my prayer :]] well anyway, on to my devotion. i read Pastor Chad's blog that said he was going to be preaching a sermon series on the second comming of Christ, so i was looking through my devotion book and i saw one on the second comming, i figured it'd be nice to have some knowledge about what the bible says about that for when Pastor Chad preaches on i read a couple verses on it last night. 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 says "For the Lord himself shall decend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trump of God: and the dead in christ shall rise first. Then we wich are alive and reain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord." honeslty, i kinda hope im here for the rapture because i want to see Jesus come down from heaven, i think that that will be a really amazing sight. i also read another verse last night, that doesnt have anything to do with the second comming, but i liked it, so i wrote it down. "I am the Alpha Omega the begining and ending saith the Lord which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighy" i just liked it and i realized its a basis for a few songs we sing in worship haha! like "I am the Alpha Omega begining and end" from "You are Holy" and then "My God He was, my God He is, my God He's always gunna be!" from "My Savior Lives" im a total lyrics freak, so i notice these things. and God really is Alpha Omega Begining and End. hes pretty much absolutely amazing. so like mr allen said, try to invite 3 friends to church this week! i know i am!
i love y'all!
God Bless!
-crystal jade

good morning y`all!

hey y`all!
i wish i had my devotion notebook, so i could write about my devotion from last night, im def. going to start bringing it to school with me. ill write about my devotion after i get home from church tonight :]. so, i burnt my forehead with my straightener this morning--ouch. haha, ashley told me im supposed to straigthen my hair, not my head. haha shes probably right. this class is def. boring, im always finished with my work like 20 minutes early. my friend Josh was over there sleeping earlier. bad kid. haha. anyway, my mission this week is to find somebody to invite to church, which is a little difficult for me since the only people i really hang out with already go to New Hope. but im trying. i really want my friend anna to come with me, shes not saved, and i think it'd be good for her. i agree with David when he said it doesnt really matter how we get 'em there, just get them there, so im hoping she'll come to watch the band play and i'll let God do his work :]
well ill post when i get home from youth tonight!
i love y`all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

we are witnesses :]

hey everyone!
i just got home from dance, and im pretty excited because we get to do jazz, finally, and i love jazz, and i havent done it in a few years. now on to my devotion from last night :] well i read Acts 2:32-47 which Pastor Chad also did a sermon on not too long ago. Acts 2:32 says "This Jesus hath God raised up where of we all are witnesses" We know God raised Jesus from the grave, and we need to be telling other people about this. Acts 2:36 is also a really good verse, it says "There fore let all the house of isreal know assuredly that God hath made that same Jesus whom ye hath crucified both Lord and Christ" which is telling us to tell people about this. Regardless of what our friends may think, we need to take the leap of faith and let God speak through us to our lost friends. Its our job as Christians to witness to those. I know its scary, and i have a hard time telling some of my friends about Jesus for fear of them getting angry with me, but i pray about it, and let God speak through me. i also read some really good verses on faith last night, Hebrew 11:1 "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen" i really love this verse. we hope for things, and pray about them and we have faith that God will answer our prayers, but can we see God? no. faith is exactly what Hebrew 11:1 says, it is the evidence of things not seen. we talked about that a few Sundays ago in Sunday school and i remember Mitchell saying it was hard to have faith becase "we cant see it" and hes right. but after you see the things God does, you cant help but have faith. its all we have. and i say, if your gunna put your faith in someone, put it in Jesus, for he will NEVER let you down. also, Hebrew 11:6 which states "But without faith it is impossible to please him: for the that cometh to God must believe that he is and that he is Rewarder of them that diligently seek him" this verse says that if we diligently seek God he will reward us. When you come to God, you have to believe that he will answer your prayers, believe that he will make everything okay. i can tell you from experiance, things run alot more smoothly when you put Jesus in charge, b/c there have been a lot of times i havent, and things got worse, but when i did, things get better :]
i love you all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

back in school =(

hey everyone!
well spring break is over and im back in school=(. i dont have my devotion notebook with me right now, so ill post when i get home from school to discuss my devotion with y`all it was mostly about witnessing and then a few verses on faith b/c i saw them in someones profile. anyway, spring break was great! i spent more than half of it at church with my Jesus and my favorite people ever and i saw two really amazing movies [facing the giants and the passion of the Christ] this is really random but i need a haircut. haha. i was just looking at my hair, and i have major split ends. so i've been thinking and, i remember at the begining of the year, before i started going to new hope, i was having a lot of drama with this girl and it was really bothering me and getting me down & i was pretty mad a lot of the time but now, when i have drama, i put my faith in Jesus to get me through it, and it doesnt get me down at all and i get over it really easily. its so much easier to be happy most of the time b/c i know i have a God that loves me and is always there and i have troubles, but i have Jesus to get me through 'em. i just thought i'd share that with yall and the huge change i've had in my life after i've gotten closer to God again.
well i will post again when i get home :]
i love y`all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

Monday, April 9, 2007

my Jesus is amazing

hey y`all!
today was positively boring. i did nothing but sit around like a bum. haha. back to school tomorrow=( i def. do not want to go back to school, haha. Jesus has been working in my life amazingly lately, hes answered my prayer about my relationship with someone last night, and things are finally good :] and im really happy. thank you Jesus. last night for my devotion i read John 20:11-18. talking about Jesus's resurection and when mary magdelane [sp?] saw him and he told her to go and tell his deciples. so about Pastor Chad's sermons on what difference does the resurection make? well it makes all the difference b/c if Jesus didnt resurect, we would have a hopeless religion. i am SO happy to serve a living God. he is amazing!! Thank you so much for dying for me Jesus :]]. i hope to tell a lot of people about Jesus this week, and how great he is and what hes doing in my life. im soo happy my papa is home & safe from africa. y`all should see the necklace hes got me, its so pretty :]
well my day was pretty uneventful haha
i love y`all
God Bless!
- crystal jade

Sunday, April 8, 2007

we serve a LIVING God!!

today was amazing. Pastor Chad-great sermon, God really spoke through you. and i hope it reached every lost person in that room. the praise band was amazing this morning, Willie & Crystal's singing just blew me away. and it was great to have Eric on lead. hes a pretty amazing guitarist. haha. our God is a LIVING God and wow we are blessed!! lemme tell you, he is absolutely amazing. he has done so much in my life, and its the most amazing feeling to know i dont have to face anything alone. and i know i couldnt face anything alone, only Jesus can get me through my sorrows :] so after church this morning i went out to eat with my fav peeps ash & rach & katie! and then we watched the passion of the Christ w/ candace & brad & thomas & tyler& my brother, which is an amazing movie. its moving and powerful, and it gave me the weirdest emotion of joy and saddness at the same time i was happy b/c he died for my sins and saved me but it was so sad to watch them torture and kill my Jesus. so i have a few prayer requests tonight y`all:
  • my uncle dondon & nana, they couldnt make it to church this morning
  • my relationship with a certain friend
  • candace
  • ash & rach's dad
  • my lost friends.
  • && my mission to completely quit using the word 'hate'

mk and i have a couple praise reports :] [i dont know why these bullets are pink.]

  • my papa is home safe from over seas :]
  • katie & brandon were at church this morning!

well i love all of you && i hope your Easter was as great as mine!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

Saturday, April 7, 2007

its BIGGER than us.

hey everyone.
so i watched the movie Facing the Giants last night, and it is possibly the best movie ever made. it really shows the amazing things God can do. but the whole thing, applies to not just football but life, and the realization that it infact is BIGGER than us. everything we do should be done for not our own glory, but God's glory. like for instance, when i dance, i know its not me that can do that, its God who gave me the talent to glorify Him. ouch. i just totally ran into the carpet cleaner, and my toe is throbbing. mr allen should get a kick out of that. haha. so, for my devotion last night i read Revelation chapter 3, from Facing the Giants. and the verse Revelation 3:8 which says "I know thy works: behold i have set before thee an open door and no man can shut it; for thou hast a little strength and hast kept my word and has not denied my name." the fact is, when God leaves a door open for us, nobody will stand in His way. Facing the Giants showed me that last night. and i believe it with all my heart. if we stay true to God, and keep faith in Him, then He will get us through ANY troubles we are in. and like from Facing the Giants, tell me whats impossible with God? NOTHING. and i think, that if our football team would do what the Eagles did, i think even Hillcrest could win a season. too bad they dont allow prayer or discussion of religion in the public school. thats what i wrote my persuasive research paper on a few weeks ago, why prayer should be allowed in public schools. now if i had only seen this movie before i wrote the paper i'd have had even stronger pros. so the fact is, you let God into your life, He'll show you amazing things. so anyway, me & ashley had a blast yesterday. we soo watched Cinderella 3. it was a great movie. haha. im totally pumped about Easter sunday tomorrow. i know Pastor Chad's sermon is going to be absoulutely amazing and i hope we have a room FULL of lost people for Jesus to reach out and save :] im also excited, b/c my uncle Dondon has agreed to come, and while hes a Christian, hes strayed from God, and i fully believe God is going to speak through Pastor Chad and speak to my Uncle, and maybe he can get his life turned around. pray for him y`all.
well ima go for now
i love y`all
God Bless!
- crystal jade

and remember...its BIGGER than us.

Friday, April 6, 2007

nothing is impossible with God :]

hey y`all!
its early. but i got up, and so i figured i'd write in here. i am pretty much excited about today. im going to ashleys at 1 and we're gunna hang out && then go to movie night together! i read matthew 11 last night, and this verse jumped out at me : "And blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me" Matthew 11:6 it made me think about how we should not be offended, or ashamed, of the things God has done for us, and we should want to tell everyone about them! i know i've been really excited about what God is doing in my life lately. i def. drifted from God throughout middle school and freshman year, but he has brought me back:] and im developing a really good relationship with him. its really hard to stop bad habits, like using the word hate for instance. but i am trying my hardest :] and i used to have a lot of drama in my life, well not anymore. i've layed down my sorrows to Jesus and its amazing. i know that i cant accomplish anything on my own, but with Jesus, nothing is impossible :]

i love y`all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

Thursday, April 5, 2007

good morning!

okay so im excited. and when i tell you why, your going to think i am a complete nerd. i was reading this book, "Just Listen" by Sarah Dessen, one of my favorite authors, and she also wrote my favorite book "This Lullaby" and well, its amazing b/c at the end of "This Lullaby" your not quite sure what is going to happen between the two main characters, but she integrated them into a part in "Just Listen" and they are still together, its amazing. haha. okay enough about that. mk so i read Matthew chapter 10 last night for my devotion. i read some pretty great verses. one of which is Matthew 10:20 which says "For it is not ye that speak, but the spirit of your father which speaketh in you" which basically says that God speaks through us to reach others. Which made me think about my witnessing, and that i should just let God speak through me, and not be nervous about telling others. Matthew 10 is about what Jesus tells the deciples to do for him, Matthew 10:38 says "And he that taketh not his cross and followeth after me is not worth of me" which not only applies to his deciples, but us as Christians period. we really need to be sold out for Jesus, like Pastor Chad has preached about. now i know i could be better tand that i need to put Jesus even more in my life than he already is, and i am def. working towards that. Jesus is absolutely amazing. and its a wonderful feeling to know your never alone, and that you always have someone there by your side, and in your heart!
well i`ll talk to y`all later
i love y`all!
God Bless

- crystal jade

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

a pretty great day :]

hey everyone!
so today was pretty great. i went and hung out with my friend anna, and i havent seen her in ages & then i got to hang out with my favorite people in the world at church. && me & ashley talked to pastor chad about our expectations in a potential boyfriend, haha. i read in First John again last night for my devotion, and the verse "We love him, because he first loved us" -First John 4:19. i really like that verse. i also read First John 4:20 which says "If a man say I love God and hateth his brother, he is a liar for he that loveth not his borther whom he hath seen how can he love God whom he hath not seen?" which makes perfect sense to me, how can you love something you have not seen when you cannot even love those who you do see. the fact is, that we should love everyone, like Jesus does. We've been discussing this in Sunday school with David, and how we dislike people before we even know them. Honestly, we should not judge others, we should leave the judging up to God. and i know its hard, its very hard for me, and i am guilty of judging others on many occasions. but i am def going to pray about it and try to stop. im also still trying to completely knock the word "hate" out of my vocabulary, and let me tell you, this is NOT an easy feat. i didnt realize how many times i actually say the word hate a day until i started trying to stop. y`all please pray about this for me. okay, so for all of you that are wondering about my list of expectations for guys that ashley & i were talking to pastor chad about here it is:
  • Christian
  • absolutely NO cussing
  • kind, considerate
  • accept my friends, and my chruch
  • honest and trustworthy
  • NOT stupid.
  • good grades would be nice, but its not nessesarily a must have
  • respectful
  • i really like it if they play guitar
  • NOT clingy
  • but will make an effort to call and such

there are probably more, but i cant think of them at the moment, so there may be additons on to that list haha.
i love y`all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

i love spring break

hey everyone!
so last night at Frankies was a blast! i had alot of fun w/ the youth group. thank your mr allen for taking us! its great to be able to fellowship & hang out with other Christians && its great how everyone pretty much gets along! && i think me, ash & rach we're totally beastly on those go-carts. haha. i also got along with people i have been having problems with lately, and that was really nice. i was reading in First John for my devotion last night, chapter 4. i really like what it says about love and if you dont love your brother, you dont love God, its def. helping me with my mission to stop using the word "hate" all together. so today is pretty much another lazy day, boy do i love spring break. i've layed around and ate all day, haha, and later my mother wants me to dust the living room & my room [blehh] haha, but thats pretty much my day. my brother is gone in NC with my dad for a buisness inspection thingieh so i get a break from him today haha. oh my uncle is back from FL now, with a serious farmer tan haha, so thank all of you for praying for his traveling mercies!
i love y'all!
God Bless

- crystal jade

Monday, April 2, 2007

lazy days...

hey y`all.
today has been a lazy day, i've done pretty much nothing, except i helped mother out around the house a little this morning. haha. im gunna go to frankies later with my favorite people in the world-NHBC youth-later tonight :] so im pretty excited about that. i've somehow managed to rip my finger open on the swings at church last night and it is hurting pretty bad to type right now, haha. but ill manage. the whole drama thing lately-we talked it out last night-and things are getting better. so thank you Jesus for answering my prayer :]]. i've put on white shorts, i give myself about 10 minutes before i spill something on them and have to change, haha. well theres really not much to write about right now, so ill get back to y`all after frankies tonight!

i love y`all
God Bless!
- crystal jade

Sunday, April 1, 2007

i love you Jesus.

hey y`all!
today was a long day, but guess what? i was at church ALL day, which makes it amazing. b/c the people there are great, and i love to be in Jesus's house that much. i really want to help out with the missions work at CCM :]. excuse our Praise Band, we're still going through a transision phase, haha. but we're working on it. i love to praise me some Jesus. haha. church was great i love dancing around with ashley & rachel & candace, it was a blast. but im having alot of drama right now, with a few people. so y`all please pray about that. its left me extremely confused and upset lately but im gunna keep praying about it :] so my mom is yelling at me, so i def should listen to her and get off haha. I LOVE JESUS!!

goodnight y`all
God Bless!
-crystal jade

s u n d a y :]

good morning!
mk so its def the best day of the week. i liked pastor chad's sermon this morning, i learned some things i didnt know. im going back up to the church in about 40 minutes for lunch & then i think to candaces until band practice! im really happy the bands playing tonight, its been a couple weeks. i lovee to praise my Jesus :] Willie sounded great with "nothing but the blood" again this morning. i also liked David's lesson in sunday school about gossip. and then "THINK" thing
  • T- is it True?
  • H- is it Helpful?
  • I-is it Important?
  • N- is it Nessesary?
  • K- is it Kind?

everyone is def. guilty of gossping, i know i am, and i need to get better about it, so im def. gunna pray about it. you should be able to answer those THINK questions before you say something, it could prevent a ton of drama, and Lord knows high school girls need to prevent drama. haha.
i will write more after church tonight
i love y`all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade