Tuesday, September 18, 2007

worry less.

hey y'all!
today was good. b-day. bleh. but it was alright. im just excited about tomorrow. wednesday. church day. a-day. i lovee me some wednesdays. youth band is tryin' but i've got no promises for awhile y'all. just pray for what God wants us to do.
so i did my devotion on worrying less. Philippians 4:6 says, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." when your worried. first take your concerns to God and also to those who care about you and that you know you can trust. it helps to talk your problems out, because bottling them up is never a good soloution. we also need to talk to God about it through prayer, because he can help us through anything. Gods always here, always listening, waiting for us to come to him. we need to talk about our problems and our worries openly to the people who care for us and that we trust and we need to give our worries over to God, because hes always here for us. we need to learn to walk by faith. and worry less because God is here. and through is son, Jesus Christ, everything is going to be okay. we have no reason to worry because if we turn our troubles to God...EVERYTHING will turn out okay in the end :]
i love y'all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

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