Tuesday, September 25, 2007


hey y'all!
today was good...after school. haha. at school it was, of course, b-day. bleh. but after school i came home & got ready & stuff & then went to band practice that went really well, our new music director is cool. and i LOVE the songs we're singing. and after that i sat out in the parkin lot & talked to mitchell for awhile wihle our moms talked. :]
well i want to tell y'all about my memior. we had to write about a time in our life where we changed alot, and why. i wrote about when i first came to New Hope because it changed me a TON! i became a much stronger Christian and got a lot closer to God and a lot more into my bible & stuff. and about the leaders there that i look up too and stuff. i also wrote about how it changed my friends. i got alot closer to candace & ashley & rachel and of course, mitchell. and i just met some amazing people. so yeah, i am really happy God lead me to new hope :]
i love y'all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

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