Wednesday, September 12, 2007

continue to grow!

hey y'all!
today was good. its church day. i love church day. haha. i think i beasted my english test this morning, but i didnt too hott on my history tests. bleh. thats okay though. just need to study better next time. so today, went to school, was the usual school day, then rode home with candace & we lazed around & goofed off at her house until 6:30 & then we went up to the church. candace proceeded to draw all over my foot haha, it was so green & said "Jesus loves yew!" haha. and mitchell well he stuck his nastay foot on my forehead. goodness gracious. y'all know i dont like feet. haha. so there is a lot of sick people at hillcrest right now, rachel candace & myself included, so please pray that everyone gets well soon because we all feel icky. and pray i stay relatively healthy like i am, im not near a sick as poor rachel. pray for herrr. oh & pray for my gpa whos in WV & my nana who most of you know, is in Germany.
so my devotion was on continuing to grow in your faith. 1 Peter 2:2 says, "Like newborn babies, crave pure spritiual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation" God doesnt want 'stagnant' believers. as we continue in our spiritual walk with God we need to grow in him through prayer, bible study, fellowship, church and other things as well. we must obey his commandments and stay in the center of his will. and thats what Gods plan for us is, not for us to become saved & stay the same, but for us to become saved & never stop growing in our faith from that point on. Leighton Ford said, "God loves us the way we are, but He loves us too much to leave us that way." & i really like that quote. yeah he loves us how we are, but he wants to watch us grow in Him and help others grow in Him. as you become a stronger believer you'll be able to tell people more about things when they ask you questions. like mister allen always asks us these really hard i'd call them 'critical thinking' questions that really get you thinkin about what you actually know and what you'd say if a lost person asked you this question, would you know how to respond? like his tonight, have you seen God? well, this is what i believe: physically? no. none of us have seen God. not in this day & age. but we can see God in the things he does. the wonderful planet he made for us to live on with mountains & oceans and such. and then the miracles & other tasks he performs. like healing, saving, and just being there when we go through difficult times. i've seen God many times. when i pray to him for something, & he answers me, thats seeing him. seeing him through what he does. so my question for you tonight is the same as mister allens...have you seen God? and if not...are you looking for Him?? because sometimes we can miss things that are right infront of our eyes.
i love y'all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

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