Friday, September 7, 2007

hang out with wise people!

hey y'all!
TGIF!! HILLCREST WON! GO RAMS!! i cant believe we won! again! YAY! 20-14 against Wade Hampton! i just got off the phone with mitchell, he is soooo one-track minded. hes worried about his drivers test and he interrogated me about it for an hour and a half. haha. but thats okay, im happy to help :] please pray for his driving test, i have faith that he'll pass. and pray for weston, hes new in his faith but hes really gettin it. i cant wait to see God work through him. i see the changes in him already!
i did my devotion on hanging out with wise people. Proverbs 13:20 says, "He who walks with the wise grows wise..." which is true. if we're hanging around unwise people, it isnt going to benefit us in our walk with God. we need to strive to help eachother become wiser everyday. all of us want to be wise, but to do that we all have to be willing to do the work it requires to become wise. it takes time && effort. we have to learn the lessons of the Christian life & also live by them. what good is learning something if you dont put it to use?? if we sincerly desire to become wise and share it with others our actions must parallel our words. the best way to share our wisdom is not by words, but by our actions. the secret to success with wisdom is consistency. we need to seek wisdom and we need to seek it everyday, and in the right place. which is Gods word. we need to seek friends that consistently encourage us to become better people. also, today at solid rock AJ said some things i wanted to share w/ y'all.
first of all, when God gives us an opportunity he will use is & he will speak through us so we dont have to be afraid to take the opportunity. so tonight, i want y'all to think about this...does your faith & actions impact others???
i love y'all!
God Bless!
-crystal jade

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