Sunday, September 30, 2007

random thoughts!

heyy y'all!
today was good. its sunday. i love sunday. church was good this morning. tonight bleh, not so much. the singing was wonderful but theres a few girls that are kind of causing some drama and its just making me super upset. but i had fun with mitchell & everyone afterwards. oh && eric is back till wednesday! i was excited. i missed him. haha. it seems like everyone left, so it was really nice to see a farmliar face.
well anwyay, my devotion last night was really redundent from the one from the night before, so im not gunna write about it today so this is one of my random thoughts bullitens.
first of all, people really shouldnt judge. the bible says its up to God to judge people, not people. and i really dont like it whenever people judge me and they dont know me, recently i've been called ditzy, dingey, self-absorbed, that i think im better than everyone else and that they hate me. and i havent even ever hardly talked to these girls, and when i have, i've always been nice. and they're saying that they want to beat me up, and its kind of really affecting me. i just dont like it whenever people dont like me for no reason. i dont understand what i did. bleh. pray for me.
i have amazing friends. and i thank God everyday for everyone that was there for me today. i lovee my friends. :]
well sorry its a short post tonight
i love y'all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

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