Tuesday, September 4, 2007

God can handle it!!

hey y'all!!
today was good. school was bleh, as usual haha. it was B-day...again. my goodness i am sick of B-day. i am always sick of B-day. haha but praiseband practice was good :] and i got to talk to mitchell for a good bit bc my mom & mrs rhonda were talkin. :]
so i did my devotion on how God can handle anything. Hebrews 11:6 [one of my favoriteee verses] says, "And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that rewards those who earnestly seek him." everyones life is a series of wins & losses. every step of the way, God is walking with you. whether it be through triumph or defeat. and he is ready & willing to strengthen us. if your courage is tested, remember to take your fears to God. if you call upon him, he WILL answer. and he will comfort you. when you place your faith, your trust, & your life in the hands of God, you'll be amazed by the marvelous things he accomplishes through you. so you need to strengthen your faith...this is key. a few ways to do this is through praise & worship, prayer, and through bible study. someone said, "The task ahead of us is never as great as the power behind us." and that power behind is is God. remember whenever you live in the center of God's will, your also in the center of his protection. with God everything is possible. whatever your challenge or trouble is, God can handle it. so ask yourself this...Hes ready to use you...are you ready to be used??
i love y'all!!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

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