Sunday, September 2, 2007

great day :]

hey y'all!
today was amazing. i LOVE sundays. sundays are always amazing. our guest speaker did a good job this morning preaching!! then me & candace hung outside with mitchell & kody for awhile & then went to my gpas and then it was off to her house, to take a nap. haha. and tonight we went to church & then went to see a Christian concert at simpsonville park. it was good. i ran around with mitchell while we walked back &forth like 500 times b/c he couldnt figure out what he wanted to eat. haha. and then mrs rhonda took us home & of course my mom talked for like...20 minutes haha. but thats okay. mk so Weston, has found God :] & came to Christ. and i am VERY proud of him. so please pray for him. God finally gave me the strength to witness, well, actually, idk, i didnt say those things i said to weston when i witnessed the other night. God did. it just kind of popped out. i cant even believe i said it. but then i realized, i didnt. Jesus did. :]]] wow. and i was just talking about how i wanted someone i witnessed too, to see them come to God. oh my it is amazing. goodness i LOVE to see the amazing things God does. i've watched this boy change drastically over the last three years. oh its just great :]]] i cant wait to see it again. Hillcrest High School, get ready. b/c change is commin.
so mister allen asked us a question today. and it really made me think. so your a Christian. but if you were asked, "who is Jesus?" could you answer? i mean could you give an honest definite answer? because i got to thinkin and if a non-believer walked up to you, and asked, "whos Jesus?" and you claim to follow him, but reply "i dont know" its not gunna look real good since thats bascially saying you have no idea who your following. Peter hit the nail on the head whenever in Mark 8:29, "...Who do you say I am?" & Peter replied "You are the Christ." and thats exactly it. so who is Jesus. well this is who he is. He is our Savior. our Messiah. our Redeemer. our Friend. [like the song You are Holy says] and like the song I am says, our Creator. Maker. Comforter. Healer. Lord and King. Beginning and the End. I Am. and thats right He is. hes everything. and so next time someone asks you "who is Jesus?" what will you say?? b/c mister allen really got me thinkin about that.

i love y'all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

1 comment:

Robbie said...

I'm proud of you girl! Keep up the good work for Christ!!!