Friday, September 28, 2007


hey y'all!!
today was okay. school, bleh. b/c it was b-day. but its friday night & i dont have school tomorrow. i went and watched the marching band b.c they had this thing tonight & ricky wanted me to go, they did good. & i talked to mitchell for awhile :]. im extremely bored right now. i didnt make plans tonight, & i dont think i have any tomorrow, haha. but idk.
so i did my devotion on being thankful, James 5:13 says, "Is any one of you in trouble? He should pray. Is anyone happy? Let him sing songs of praise." Gods word tells us a wise heart is a thankful heart. and the bible stresses being wise. think of all the wonderful things God has blessed us with that we dont even deserve, we owe him everything, & we should thank him every single day for everything he has given us. God is ALWAYS listening so, are you willing to tell him thank you for everything he has done for you? God has given us everything. he sent his only son to die for us so that we can spend eternity with him in heaven, he blesses our lives with wonderful opportunites to serve him and with wonderful things. hes always there for us to ask him to help us & to give us whatever, hes always listening. he has given us much much more than we could ever repay him, so he def. deserves our thanks. true & heartfelt thanks. God is ready to hear from you. so what are you waiting for?!
i love y'all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

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