Sunday, September 9, 2007

your thoughts

hey y'all!!
sorry i didnt do this yesterday, i had to rush on a history paper. but anyway i had such a good time. church was good in the morning & then me & candace whent fourwheelin with mitchell & kody. we got really muddy, and really wet from the creek water. but thats okay. haha it was super fun. and then we went to church that night & listened to lyle preach [great job lyle] and then we went out to subway & then to hang at heritage park. that was really fun too. i went to pull candace up a slide & she ended up pulling me down and i went flying off the slide into the mulch. i have a nasty i guess it would be, dirt burn, on my elbow now. & im super sore from that fourwheeler haha.
well i did my devotion on being careful how you direct your thoughts. the passage used for this, of course, was Philippians 4:8 which i've written about more than once before, and it says, "Finally, brothers, whatever is ture, whatever is nobel, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admiriable-if anything is execellent or praiseworthy-think about such things." if we really wanna be close to God, we have to take control of our thoughts. we need not think on worldy things because once the world gets control of our things, we really need to repent. things the world deem acceptable and things that God deems acceptable are two totally different things. we need to keep our thoughts pure and optimistic and not let them get "'hijacked' by negativity" as my devotion book says. we need to be enthusiastic and have great hope & faith and show the world that us Christians have something that they dont. Gods not going to force us to do this though, we have to choose to live & think like this ourselves. we need to think on the blessings God has given us, and think about things that would please him! remember...Godly thoughts lead to Godly deeds. bad thoughts...well you can guess the rest!
i love y'all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

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