Saturday, September 29, 2007

follow him!

hey y'all!
today was alright. i went to rickys band competition, they did really good, & then came home & watched the tigers lose. my goodness. i mean c'mon Georgia Tech is horrible. absolutely horrible. and the tigers STILL lost. wanna know why? b/c CULLEN HARPER CANT THROW A FOOTBALL! Clemson has two of the best running backs in the NATION and they would not give James Davis the ball. i mean c'mon. James Davis is a BEAST. and our recievers are pretty amazing too. Jacoby Ford & Aaron Kelly. plus my dads 'white boy' Tyler Grisham. grr. sorry as you can see, i am not excited my tigers lost. but if they'd have just run the football, we could have won!! i am def saying...PUT WILLY KORN IN.
mk sorry. enough ranting about the football loss. haha. & then my dad cooked dinner, which was really good.
mk so i did my devotion following God. John 12:26 says, "Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant must also be. My Father will honor the one who serves me." As Christians we need to be walking with Jesus every day. we need to stray from the ways of the world, and pick up our cross, and follow God. Jesus has called us to follow in his footsteps and spread & study God's wonderful, living, word. we need not be worried about the day ahead, we just need to let Jesus lead us and follow in his mighty footsteps. we have to realize that he will NEVER desert us, and he will NEVER lead us astray. when we're in times of trouble, we need to call upon God. when your not sure about your future, call upon God. he will reveal his plan to you if you just listen for us powerful, quiet voice. if we talk with God, and we listen to him...we will be following in his path, and that is exactly where we need to be-following Gods son. our Savior. its a matter of obedience. we have to obey Gods word, and when we do that, we will be walking with him. so i ask you...Jesus is walking with you...who will you walk with?
i love y'all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

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