Friday, September 21, 2007

seek strength from God

hey y'all!!
so of course im doing this for yesterday, so yesterday was great. i love a day fridays! then i went & hung out with candace & we went to the mauldin game...yeah i know we're traitors. and i talked to mitch for a little while :] and omgoodness i have a story to tell y'all. mk at the mauldin game they played gaffney. well they have those flags that spell out g-a-f-f-n-e-y and well they were kind of backwards, or atleast they were to me & candace & we soo thought it said yenffag. it was soo funny b/c we're like "yenffag? whats a yenffag??" haha and then we're like "ohhh it says gaffney!" i felt like a loser. haha. but it was really funny.
well anyway my devotion was on seeking strength from God. Exodus 15:2 says, "the Lord is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation. He is my God, and i will praise him, my fathers God, and i will exalt him." where do you go to find strength? i'd most def say the best place to go find strength is in God. b/c he can help you through anything. if you turn your life & heart over to God, you will have his strength and you will be abled to make it through anything and you can do absolutely anything God asks you to do. God is most def. the ultimate source of strength and in anything you need to be strong in, hes there. let his strength shine through you!! turn all of your troubles over to God, you have to realize, we dont need to be strong, we just need to let God take over and we will 'tap in' as my devotion book says, to his strength. so...are you ready to show everyone God's strength?!
i love y'all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

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