Tuesday, September 11, 2007

hes waiting at the door!

hey y'all!
sorry i didnt post yesterday. i had dance till late & then i had to take a shower & get ready for bed & such. i just got home from band practice. y'all pray for rachel b/c she really doesnt feel good. and bleh i dont feel great right now either, but i think its my sinuses. they're always actin up. yesterday was a really good day. it was A day. and i love A day. today- B-day. bleh. b-day. haha. but band practice was alright. i dont really know the songs that well but i think i'll do okay, ima just trust in Jesus.
so i have two things i want to talk about tonight.
first i'll talk about school, & then ill talk about my devotion.
so i just have been noticing lately the huge number of unsaved people at hillcrest. i never thought it was this bad, but it really is. but i have seen two people get saved in the last two weeks. and thats really exciting. hillcrest is going to change. God can do it! some guy told me he was going to call me "ms. Christian" and when i said "okay!" with an excited attitude he looked at me, shocked. he said he wanted to call me something i wouldnt like. and i told him i liked being labled, as long as it was for Jesus. so newsflash hillcrest high school...i AM a Jesus Freak.
so my devotion was on God waiting at the door for us. Matthew 7:7-8 says, "Ask and it will be gien to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks recieves; he who seeks finds; and him who knocks, the door will be opened" God is never too far away to hear our requests. hes always right here, right now. if we're in need we need to ask God to fufill us. if we're troubled, ask him to take away our troubles. we always need to take our worries to him because we cant handle them ourselves. we need not our strength, but the strength of our wonderful Lord! if we need to know what our future holds, we can ask God about it. in everything, we need to seek God. in wisdom & will. he will always hear us, & always answer us. D.L. Moody observed, "Some people think God does not like to be troubled with our constant asking. But, the way to trouble God is not to come at all." if we have a true & sincere relationship with God we should be able to talk to him about anything. if we're not going to Him with our troubles, where are we taking them? we're taking them into our own hands. and remember, your plan is NEVER better than Gods plan. we need to just keep on asking and waiting for him to answer us. hes always here. always waiting. so my question to you is...God is ready to hear from you...are you ready to talk to him?!
i love y'all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade


Anonymous said...

How wise you are to realize that there is a mission field all around us.There are fields ready for the harvest right at our Church's door.
WE JUST NEED TO GET BUSY AND BRING THEM IN.If we can not go on the mission field we can harvest the souls in our back door.I thank God for your testimony.It has been a blessing to our family and it is one of the few blogs I let my granddaughter read.Keep the faith.Let's pray for one another and our church.

Anonymous said...

same comment here as above

...except I wouldn't coin the phrase "Jesus Freak". Read in this article (it's somewhere in there...just hit ctrl-f and type in jesus freak)

dc Talk and Marilyn Manson?