Saturday, September 15, 2007

contagious Christianity!

hey y'all!
today was good. i went to the mall with chelsea and on the way home we saw mitchell pullin out of his works road haha it was cool. and then i went to candaces & we walked for 4 miles to cvs it was cool & then we went to aldi and wal*mart at like 9 at nightt!
so if we live our faith out loud, it can sure be contagious! Matthew 10:32 says, " Whoever acknowledges me before men, i will also acknoweldge him before my father in heaven." if your a genuine Christian & you live your faith out loud, others will def. notice and it can impact them in great ways. we should be really excited about our relationships with Christ and show it to the otehrs around us. God wants us to tell the entire world everything he has done for us. Christianity is really contagious because everyone wants to be a part of something bigger, and those that see how much fun we have fellowshiping together as Christians and worshiping our Lord and going to church, they'll want to be part of it too. and the amazing things we get to see God do!! its pretty much really amazing. we shouldnt be ashamed of God, and we should want to show everyone. i know im excited to talk about him, and i know it annoys some people, but if even a little peice of it gets through to them and grows it was all worth it. we shouldnt be afraid that our friends will 'get mad' at us, because you can always make new friends. but they may only have one chance to hear God's amazing grace, and thats through you. not sharing could be giving them a one-way ticket to hell...and you shouldnt want that for anyone, no matter how mad they get at you!
so my question for y'all is...are you living your loud enough for the whole world to hear?!
i love y'all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

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