Wednesday, September 19, 2007

walking in the light!

hey y'all!
today was greatt. it was church day. a-day. and church was neat. we talked about why we believe what is in the bible, and i already knew everything in the bible was true, but it def. helped me with what to tell a lost person if they asked me how i know the bible is true. i accidently poked mitchell in the eye, and kneed him in the mouth =( haha i feel bad for that. poor mitch. me & candace so broke a chair today. and danced around her room while singing marvelous light. haha we're dorks. but thats okay.
so i did my devotion last night on walking in the light. John 8:12 says, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have to light of life." an farmiliar song to everyone, "one way Jesus" tells us that Jesus is "the way the truth & the life" [this comes from John 14:6-7] without Christ, we have no salvation, and we are stuck in the dark. without him, we never know the real truth, Gods truth. if we seek to feel Gods presence, and expriance his peace...we must walk in his light. the only way to do this, is to accept his son. we need to walk in Jesus's light and let everyone around us know it! show the world the light that shines on us through Jesus Christ and let everyone see it! so i ask y'all this...are you walking in Jesus light?!
i love y'all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your joyful testimony.You
never complain or show anything but
Jesus's Love in your blog.You only use it to praise Our Lord and express your love of Him and New Hope Church
and everyone you meet. What a refreshing outlook you have on life
and I look forward to reading your blog each day.It lifts me up instead of bringing me down.You are wise beyond your years.Keep up the good work and keep your eyes on Jesus and not man.