Monday, July 2, 2007

let down part two

hey y`all!
sorry i didnt get a chance to post yesterday, i was at ashleys all night. yesterday was great! and i'd like to thank the baldwins for having us over for ACTS :] the food was great! davids sermon was really good, and after church we went camping in ashleys back yard. haha. that wasnt soo great b/c it was wet & hott & then it was wet & cold...haha. no more camping for me. so anyway i want to tell y`all about Pastor Chad's sermon on let down week two. he preached on when God lets us down. which we all know, God never actually lets us down, but sometimes we feel like he does. and we really shouldnt, b/c Jesus Christ is the only person on this earth who never really will let us down. Pastor Chad told us that life isnt always going to be perfect, but that certainly isnt Gods fault. Job teaches us about things we need to learn about God and what to do in bad situations. probably the most important thing Pastor Chad said yesterday was that Gods purpose is for his glory, not ours. We were put on this earth for Gods glory, not our own. && everything we do in life should be for God, and not for us. Job said he'd trust God even if he killed him, and as Christians we all need to have that same trust in God. which brings me to the other really important thing Pastor Chad said which was that Gods plan is to help us, and he will NEVER hurt us. so we really need to live our lives sold out to Jesus Christ! because he really is amazing && we can do everything through him!
i love y`all
God Bless!
- crystal jade

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