Thursday, July 19, 2007

dont hold grudges

hey y`all!
today was good. just the normal boring day where i didnt do much haha. i did help out my mom & mop the floor, but thats about the most productive thing i've done today. haha. im really excited about the lockin tomorrow! oh & i drove to get pizza. i did well, so hopefully when i go back on August 2 to take my drivers test again, this time i will pass. haha.
so, my devotion last night was a good one. it was on grudges and how they can put distance between you & God. what does the bible say? Proverbs 10:12, "Hatred stirs up dissension, but love covers over all wrongs." in other words, hatred causes trouble, but love forgives all wrongs. if we cannot forgive others, it creates a block between God and ourselves. if someone has wronged us in the past, we need to ask ourselves what Jesus would do, and the answer to that question is, that Jesus would forgive them and forget about it. when we are faced with this problem, we need to forgive as well, and forget about it as best we can. my devotion book said something interesting, "he who cannot forgive others breaks the bridge over which he himself must pass" and i agree with that. not being able to forgive others just causes us greif. its not harming the person we have a grudge against, it is only harming ourselves. my devotion book also said holding a grudge is like letting someone live rent-free in your brain. which is true. why would we let this person take hold of a place in our brain, its not healthy to dwell on things of the past, we just need to forgive others just like Jesus would have so we can keep our relationship with God strong with no roadblocks so we can hear him loud and clear when he needs to speak to us and so that we can see the amazing things he does in our lives and in others lives everyday!
i love y`all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

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