Sunday, July 8, 2007

my friends :]

hey y`all!
today was great! i went to church & then i hung out with ashley & then went back to church! and tomorrow im hanging out with ashley, haha. i spend all my time with her. and thats what i want to talk about today, is friends, Barry preached on friends tonight and his sermon was great! first off i want to talk about the friends God has given me. i am truly blessed when it comes to my friends. Proverbs tells us that friends love us at all times, are as close as family, and we can get past any problems we have. God has given me 2 people that are absolutely my best friends, Ashley Runyan and Mitchell Gilbert. and i just thank him everyday for those two. they are there for me through everything. and then, God has also given me a third best friend. the best of the best, my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. he will never let me down, he the epitome of the best friend, hes everything we look for in a best friend- trust, someone to confide in, forgiveness, and he has our back, plus more. we can rely on Jesus to get us through anything. John 15:13 tells us that nobody has greater love than Jesus because he gave his life for us. Jesus went willingly to the cross, and died for us. now if that isnt a best friend, i dont know what is. Barry made the point, if you had a friend that you knew would give their life for you, would you feel comforted? of course. so he told us, we can feel comforted, because Jesus gave his life for us. and another good point Barry made, Jesus is all of these things we look for in a friend to us, but are we these things to him? do we give him time, trust, and our loyalty? we should. because friendship is a two-way thing. so, thank you Jesus for dying for me. & thank you God for giving me the three best friends i have in this world. :]
i love y`all
God Bless!
- crystal jade

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