Tuesday, July 24, 2007

date people who know God!

hey y`all!
today was good! i was out with ash & rach all day. we went swimming but then me & ash left and went & got sonic. haha i really love havin a sonic right here. and then we watched a movie- bridge to teribithea. it was pretty much depressing. haha. then i came home & i ate a chicken pot pie. haha.
mk so my devotion last night was on dating. it used this verse, Galatians 1:10, "Am i now tryig to win the approval of men, or of God? or am i trying to please men? if i were still trying to please men, i would not be a servant of Christ." so we should def try to please God in EVERYTHING we do. including the boys we chose to date. we should want to date people who also know God and who would not tempt to push our moral limits as Christians. we need to be patitent, prudent, and picky. verry picky to make sure we dont fall for the wrong guy or girl, we needent be concerned with what others think of the person we're dating, we need ot be concerned of what God would think of the person we're dating. God wants to give us his approval but he wont give us his approval until we ask him too :] God derserves first place in EVERYTHING in our lives. including our relationsips.
i love y`all
God Bless
- crystal jade

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