Wednesday, July 25, 2007


hey y`all today was GREAT!
i went to church and got to see my favorite people :] and play putput with all the guys, haha. but it was fun. i am seriously bad at putput. haha.
so my devotion, was on miracles! God does amazing things for people everyday. his miracles. what does the bible say? well, Hebrews 2:4 says, "God also testified to it by signs, wonders, and various miracles, and gives of the Holy Spirit distributed according to his will." God does miraculous things everyday, and to see them, all we have to do is look for them. we need not to be too preoccupied with other things to notice his great works. my devotion book said something that i really liked, "Instead of paying careful attention to God's handiwork, we become distracted. Instead of expecting God to work miracles, we become cynical. Instead of depending on God's awesome power, we seek to muddle along using our own power-with decidely mixed results" in other words, Gods power is alot better than ours, and things will turn out alot better if we let him take control. we need to pay attention to his miracles and excpect that he will preform miracles instead of becomming cynical about it. miracles are always a part of our life, we just need to take the time to notice them and trust in God's power. if your looking for miracles, you'll find them :]
i love y`all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

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