Thursday, July 12, 2007

praying is powerful!

hey y`all!
today was good. just the usual day. went shopping. went to my nanas. attempted to run with candace and listened to mitchell and jojo talk about dirtbikes which i didnt understand a bit of. landing zone tomorrow! im excited :] so my devotion last night, was on prayer. which is the most powerful tool we have as Christians. its a direct line of communication with God! so what does the bible say? well heres one verse, 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, which says, "Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." so, basically this verse tells us that we should always be praying. and its true. we should pray about everything no matter how big or small it is. because taking things into our own hands gets us nowhere, our way is NEVER going to be better for us than Jesus's way. i remember in one sermon Pastor Chad preached he made the point, if we are consumed by God, we will pray about everything, even little things. and thats how we should be. we need to pray to ask God to help us with our problems, we need to pray for friends & family, we need to pray for the lost, and we need to pray & tell God how absolutely amazing he is and thank him for sending his one and only Son to die for us. God will never ignore our prayers. he will always be there to hear them, and he will always answer them. now granted, he will answer them how & when he sees fit, God does not work on our time, he works on his time. but we have to realize that God's time is always better than our time. and God's way is always better than our way. because God only wants whats best for us, and who knows better what is best for us than who created us!!
i love y`all
God Bless!
- crystal jade

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