Sunday, July 22, 2007


hey y`all!
today was great. sundays are always great. Pastor Chad preached a great sermon this morning & David preached a great sermon tonight & his sunday school lesson was really good too! i attempted to play baseball, but i gave up. haha. and then after church tonight i went out to eat with mitchell & megan & mrs rhonda & my brother, we had a great time! even though ricky & mitchell were spitting ice at eachother, those dorks.
so i want to talk about pastor chads sermon and davids sermon & sunday school lesson. first, Pastor Chad. he talked about our intrests. and heres his key points. we should be interested in what Jesus is interested in, now what is Jesus interested in??
1. Jesus is most concerned with getting to know him [getting saved.]
2. Jesus is concerned with people caring about others like he did.
if we do these two things, imagine how different the world would be. he also said, our top 3 worries/interests/the things we care most about, we just need to give them to Jesus because he will take care of them.
Now, David. this morning during sunday school the talked about the guitarist from Korn who came to christ. now i just think that is the most amazing story. look what Jesus can do. he can turn this guys life around, he can do anything. i really look up to this guy who gave everything over to Jesus. look how amazing Jesus is :] Davids sermon tonight was on witnessing. i think that might be the topic i wrote down for a sermon. it was really good and the thing that spoke most to me tonight was he told us sometimes our best witnessing tool isnt what we say, its how we act. and i agree completely. if others see how we live our lives, and how Jesus lifts us up and how we're a part of something bigger, and they'll want to be a part of it too. now, witnessing is a scary thing, because we never know how the person is going to react, but just remember, let God do the talking and dont worry what the person will think about you, is it really worth letting him go to hell because you were too afraid to share the word of God with him?? no. never.
i love y`all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

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