Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior

hey y`all!
today was fun. ashley came over & we hung out & made mac & cheese & then made this really good smoothie that we just stuck a bunch of different stuff in the blender & put whipped cream on it, but it turned out really yummy. haha. we're chefs! yeahh..not really. haha. so church tomorrow. which reminds me i have to do my stuff for kims class. haha. i am really likin this new devotion book! thanks mr allen. so my devotion last night, was on Jesus! the verse was John 8:12, which says, "Then Jesus spoke to them again saying, 'I am the light of the world. He who follows me shall not walk in darkness but have the light of life'" which amazingly, reminds me of a song. haha. im going to try to tie all of my devotions to Christian songs. but first of all lets talk about this verse, Jesus is our light. and he should be our first priority. our faith should not take a backseat to anything. the most important part of the Christian faith, what makes us Christians, is getting to know Gods son, Jesus. he is most def. the light of the world and getting to know him can be absolutely amazing. if we give him the chance, he will show us amazing things. so about the song this reminds me of. we sing it a lot. its called marvelous light. and the verse reminds me of the chorus of the song:

into marvelous light im running
out of darnkess out of shame
by the cross
You are the truth
You are the life
You are the way.

so when we give our lives over to Jesus, we walk out of darkness and into His new light! and i think its pretty amazing to be born again, in Jesus's light. and he is our truth, life, and our way. our only way. so, i leave you with this question. Jesus paid the biggest price for us. what price will we pay for him?
i love y`all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

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