Monday, July 9, 2007

He's right here

hey y`all!!
today was great! ashley & i went & got our cd for the talent thing & we also went bible shopping & i got the cutest new bible, im excited about it. haha. so i finally got a new devotion book, thanks mr allen! && my devotion ties into a song, which is really rather neat since i've been doing that song thing lately. the verse my devotion was on was 2 Chronicles 15:2 which says, "...The Lord is with you when you are with him. If you seek him, he will be found by you, but if you forsake him, he will forsake you." which tells us, God is with us, when we are with him. so in other words, hes always here, we just have to seek him. God never goes anywhere. the devotion book said this, and i really really liked it, "If God is everywhere, why does He sometimes seem so distant? Thats a question that has less to do with God and more to do with us. When God seems far away its because we have allowed ourselves to become distant from Him, not the other way around." and the title in the devotion book said "Hes right here, right now." which he really is. and that made me think of a song by Jeremy Camp which says:

All the world is watching
All the world does care
Even when the world weighs on my shoulder now,
These feelings I can bare
Because I know,
That you're here,

Everywhere I go,
I know you're not far away,
You're right here
You're right here, yeah (x2)

All these thoughts I've wasted,
All these thoughts I fear,
Even when these thoughts have faded,
I still know that you're here,
So I can rest my hope in You

Many of times that I have felt alone,
Many of times that I have felt the world was crashing down upon me,
You always stood here by my side,
You were always there.

Everywhere I go,
I know you're not far away,
You're right here
You're right here, yeah (x4)

so, no matter where we go, God is always here. even when we feel like he isnt. its not because God went somewhere, its because we have strayed from God. so remember next time you feel like your alone, God is right there. all you have to do is seek him.
i love y`all
God Bless!
- crystal jade

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