Monday, July 30, 2007

dont fall for media hype!

hey y`all!
today was pretty good! i talked to mitch this morning & then i hung out with ashley all day, we went galavantin' around simpsonville & mauldin, and actually didnt get lost, that is a HUGE accomplishment for us. haha. & i then went to dance camp and danced my butt off for 3 hours straight. my toes are killing me. haha. but i do love to dance. we're doing like a latin dance for jazz, its so neat. and lyrical has like 50 million turns, i love turns. and then our hiphop is fast but its fun. today was def. better than yesterday. prayer does alot :]
so anyway, my devotion last night was about how we shouldnt fall for all the stuff the media says. the bible says in Romans 12:2, "Do not conform any longer to the patern of this world, but be transfomed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is-his good, pleasing, and perfect will." the media tries to reagrrange our priorities. it tells us that our appearance & stuff like partying is whats important. but those are all lies. the most important things in our lives should be family, faith and future. we need to focus on Gods messages and what he has in store for us rather than what the world tells us to do. we need to compare the messages from the media to God's word and figure out ways we can protect ourselves from the media hype!
i love y`all!
God Bless
- crystal jade

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