Sunday, July 29, 2007


hey y`all.
today has been difficult. for a couple different reasons. but i've turned it over to God and everything is going to be okay. great job everyone who perticipated in 5th sunday night sing. Pastor Chad- great sermon this morning. now i just want to say a few things about what happened today. we all found out that in 5 short months Pastor Chad, David, Barry, & Robbie are all leaving to start a new church. and most of us, are hurt. but i understand that God is leading them to do this and i think that their church will accomplish great just sorry to see them go because even though i've only been at new hope for about 8 or so months, i've gotten really close to everyone. Pastor Chad is the best preacher i know of, and most of the youth feel like they can talk to David about anything. they've become more than just Pastors & Leaders to us, they've become really good friends. and they will be missed dearly at New Hope when they leave. but i will be praying for y`all and i know that God has great things set in store for y`all. we wish you only the best and we love you all dearly
God Bless!
- crystal jade

1 comment:

Chuck said...

...I was here....again!

Good to see another fellow teenager right with God. Very reflective devotional notes.