Saturday, July 14, 2007

praise Him!!

hey y`all!
sorry i didnt write yesterday, i was out late with the youth group! we went to a greenville drive baseball game. the fireworks at the end were really pretty. but my legs were killing me b/c mitchell drug me all over tarnation but we didnt sit for more than 5 seconds, maybe twice. haha. thanks for takin us mr allen! today i got to hang out with chelsea! we went out to eat. i havent seen her in forever so it was cool. we so got the best dessert. triple chocolate meltdown at applebees. its amazing. haha. church tomorrow :] im excited to see what pastor chad is gunna preach on!
so anyway my devotion was on prasing God! hes pretty much really amazing. so what does the bible say about praise? well Psalm 138:1 says, "I will praise you, O Lord, with all my heart;" i love this verse. it says exactly what we should do. whenever we praise God, we should praise him with not half our heart, or almost all of our heart, but our whole heart. and we need to praise him at all times. not only on sundays, and not only in good situations. we need to praise him every day of the week, and even during trials. my devotion book had something Thomas Watson said in it, that really stuck out at me. he said, "Praising God is one of the highest and purest acts of religion. in prayer we act like men; in praise we act like angels." i really like that. so, heres the deal. we need to always praise God. hes so amazing. you can praise him in many ways. silently or loudly. i love to praise God by singing. but i also praise him in other things i do. we should be praising God in EVERYTHING we do. hes done so much for us. he is the only one that is worthy of praise!
i love y`all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

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