Wednesday, July 11, 2007

reach out to Him

hey y`all!
today was pretty good. for all of you that dont already know, yes i failed my driving test. but the lady was super mean. i am not a bad driver, i promise. church tonight was great! thank you Kim & Sunshine for sharing your testimonies with us. it meant a lot. mk so i thought i'd tell y`all this b/c i thought it was funny. my good friend weston made a joke, & well i didnt get it & this is what he said to me : "(9:33:27 PM): Crystal, people invented things call jokes awhile back, where you there when they made them?"
it was funny. i dont understand jokes very well, apparently. anyway, mr allens blog that he wrote today really made me think. are we being that church in the song by casting crowns? i am probably guilty of doing things just like that song says, and i am truly sorry. i am going to make a bigger effort when new people visit our youth group to make them feel welcome.
so my devotion last night, i did on reaching out to God. and the verse was a pretty firmilar verse, James 4:8, "Come near to God and He will come near to you..." and this tells us, if we try to get near to God, he'll help us. & he'll come near to us. If we try to find him, he wont hide, he'll help. so, how do we go about getting close to God? well theres many things you can do! you can pray, do bible studies, daily devotions, praise & worship, & fellowshipping with other Christians are just some of the many ways you can draw closer in your relationship with God. and a good point my devotion book made, God is always searching for us, we just have to open our hearts. which of course, reminded me of a song. its a veryy popular worship song. open the eyes of my heart. which im sure you know goes like this:

open the eyes of my heart Lord
open the eyes of my heart
i want to see You
i want to see You

which tells us something. we dont see God with the eyes in our heads, we see God with our hearts. we feel him in there, through the things he does through us, and the miracles he allows us to see. so God is always there, always searching for that relationship, we just have to open up our hearts and let him in :]
i love y`all
God Bless!
- crystal jade

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