Monday, May 28, 2007

consumed - week 2

hey y`all!
mk so yesterday was one of the best days ever. Pastor Chad- great sermon. i really loved the Consumed series. and while im talking about that, thats what im going to talk about tonight, is the second sermon in the series, so i dont leave y`all hanging on the last one i talked about. but first, about yesterday! it was great. i got to hang out with the best people ever at new hope, the youth band did a really good job [the adult band did too fo course i loved the songs y`all] and then i went swimming with ashely and rachel and brad & steven that night! & then i slept over at ashleys and we talked until like 2:30 in the morning haha. it was a blast. i lovers my best friend. soo anyway, Consumed, week 2. John 4:23 says, "Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks." so, God seeks truthful worshipers.
so how do we be a worshiper that God seeks? heres what Pastor Chad told us:
1. Worship Him in amazement. if we're consumed by God, God will show us amazing things, and then we will worship Him in amazement.
2. Worship with abandoment- if we're consumed by God, we can worship without caring what man things, wouldnt you rather care what God thinks? and there will be an awesome sense of freedom.
and this really caught my attention, Pastor Chad asked us what freedom was and then he told us he believes this is Gods definition of freedom:
is not the ability of to do whatever we want to do, but the ability to do whatever GOD wants us to do. and i think thats pretty much amazing
i love y`all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

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