Monday, May 14, 2007

be enthusiastic!

hey y`all! today was pretty good. first of all, good luck to the guys who are fixin to play softball in 30 mins! i wish i coulda come, but its late. haha. so me & chelsea totally went to the library for like 2 hours after school today, haha. we're such nerds. actually, it felt really awkward. because like, thats totally out of our element. haha. anyways, i did my devotion on enthusiasm! because at church pastor chad, mr allen, everyone really stresses to be enthusastic at worship, b/c thats exactly what God wants!! Colossians 3:23 says, "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men" which says, in other words, whenever we do things we should do things with enthusiasm because were not doing it for other people, we're doing it for Jesus!! and we want to show others what we can do through Jesus and do it to glorify God!! Romans 12:11 says, "Not slothful in buisness; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord" which means we dont need to do things dully and slowly, we need to do them with excitement because we're doing something to serve our living God!! lastly, Ephesians 6:7 which says the exact same thing Colossians 3:23 almost, "Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not men" which goes back to my first point, we need to do things for God, not for men, and that means doing it enthusiastically with our whole hearts!! because i know it totally excites me when God uses me! i love itt. well ill keep this one short because yesterdays was sooo long haha.
i love y`all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

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