Monday, August 13, 2007

trust God's wisdom!!

hey y'all!
today was pretty much boring, i didnt really do anything. went to take my drivers test, and failed, yet again. and then i had dance tonight, which i totally forgot about until like an hour before it started. and then i talked to mitchell for a little while, but now hes off to bed.
my devotion was on trusting God's wisdom. Proverbs 16:22, "Understanding is a fountai nof life to those who have it..." the worlds wisdom is often wrong and dangerous but Gods wisdom can bring us closer to him. we need to place our trust in Gods wisdom instead of the wrong wisdom of the world. if we're tired, discouraged, fearful we dont have to be. we can be comforted in knowing that God will make everything okay. Gods power can help us through anything no matter how we're feeling. unlike the worlds wisdom, Gods wisdom will NEVER let us down. if we take Gods wisdom we dont have to be unsure about things because we know that God is always right. we need not to dwell on our troubles in this world but to trust in God and know that no matter what happens, hes always here, and we always have his wisdom to help us through things. we have to remember, God knows everything! and he most def. knows what is best for us :]
i love y'all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

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