Friday, August 10, 2007

finding the courage to follow God!

hey y'all!
i didnt do much today. i was gunna go to candaces but her gma didnt get up in time. so i kindah just hung aroudn the house all day and then i was talkin to mitchell on the phone, haha hes such a dork. but thats okay :]
anyway, my devotion was on finding the courage to follow God! 1 Chronicles 28:20 says, "...Be strong and corageous, and do the work. Do not be afrad or discouraged, for the Lord God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you..." no matter how desperate our circumstances are, we can have hope for the future, because we are saved by Jesus!! God promised we are his all of enternity. we must place our hopes in him. we need to have the courage to follow God even if the path seems difficult, and even if our heart is fearful. we need to trust in God and with everything we do. we should do his work and share his word. we need to look to God to guide our steps, because he will never lead us astray. my devotion book says: we should cling to Gods promises and always pray. he will give us the strength to meet any challenge and that is exactly what we should ask him to do. so have courage and follow Gods path for you! because through God, we can accomplish anything for his glory!! i think thats pretty amazing!
i love y'all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

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