Thursday, August 9, 2007


hey y'all!
omgoodness! i got FRIEDDDD today. haha. i went over to candaces and we were outside alllll day. it was a really eventful morning. lets see...we overflowed the flowerpot in the kitchen, dismantled and moved the hammoc to the middle of the yard, candace jumped up & tiped me off the hammoc, we cleaned the deck, then we went inside and overflowed the deep frier and then she dropped a huge ketchup bottle on my foot and it bounced off and hit hers. and all of this was BEFORE 1. ahha. and then mitchell came home from work and totally drenched me with the hose. haha. but i got him back :]
mk so my devotion was on looking for fulfilment in all the right places. John 10:9-11 says, "I am the gate; whoever enters through me wil lbe saved. He will come in and go out, and find pasture. The theif comes only to steal and kill and destroy; O jave come that they make have life, and have it to the full. I am the good shepard. The good shepard lays down his life for his sheep" where can we find fufilment? its a gift from God when when trust in him and follow his commands. the world seems really preoccupied with the search for happiness, when we really dont have to look for it. the only peace is a spritual gift from God for those who obey him and accpet his will. if we dont find contentment in God, we wont ever find it. if we seek him & obey him we will be blessed with an amazing inner peace :] if he dwells at the center of our lives, so will peace. so we just need to trust in God and obey him :] and we'll have an amazing peace.
i love y'all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

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