Friday, August 24, 2007

GodStock is 1 day away!

hey y'all!
today was pretty good. better than they've been anyway. HILLCREST BEAT MAULDIN!!!! YEESS!!! GO RAMMSSS! haha the game was cool me candace & rachel painted up for it :] haha we're gunna paint up for GodStock tomorrow too, ch'yeah! i am just SOO glad its the weekend. not that its not gunna be busy because im swamped this weekend. GodStock ALLLL day tomorrow & then church Sunday. i really hope 1000 students show up at GodStock and i REALLY hope a TON of them get saved :] its gunna be great! & i cant wait to see what wonderful things God does! im excited about spending all weekend at new hope. even if it does mean being up till LATEEE saturday night cleaning up. haha.
well sorry its short
but its late
i love y'all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

oh && GO RAMS!!!

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