Friday, August 31, 2007


hey y'all!
T.G.I.F. [[thank God is friday!]] haha. its been a longg week. today was good. i got up early & rachel came & got me & we went out to eat breakfast at chic-fil-a this morning with katie and then we went and got ashley & then went to solid rock. which is a Christian thing where we do praise & worship and then hear a sermon every friday morning at school in the band room. its pretty awesome. the guy preached on sin this morning, and over comming it.
my devotion was on understanding the importance of character. Psalm 25:21 says, "May integrity and uprightness protect me, because my hope is in you." character is what we are when nobody is watching. but, Bill Hybles said, "Every secret act of character, conviction, and corauge has been observed in living color by our omnicscient God." so can you hide your true character from everyone? nope. maybe ignorant people, but God is always watching. if we sincerely wish to walk with God we must seek to follow his commandments. and our character will take care of itself. character is important. and in order to have a good character we need to follow God's commandments. it doesnt matter what we try to hide from other people, God is always there. always watching. no matter where we are, or what we're doing. so instead of doing misdeeds that we need to hide from people, when we're really not hiding them at all, we should follow God and do good deeds for his glory and have a good character that everyone can see and want to imitate!! ohhh and my nanas friend in Germany's mother got saved today, so please pray for her! thanks!!
i love y'all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

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