Friday, August 31, 2007


hey y'all!
T.G.I.F. [[thank God is friday!]] haha. its been a longg week. today was good. i got up early & rachel came & got me & we went out to eat breakfast at chic-fil-a this morning with katie and then we went and got ashley & then went to solid rock. which is a Christian thing where we do praise & worship and then hear a sermon every friday morning at school in the band room. its pretty awesome. the guy preached on sin this morning, and over comming it.
my devotion was on understanding the importance of character. Psalm 25:21 says, "May integrity and uprightness protect me, because my hope is in you." character is what we are when nobody is watching. but, Bill Hybles said, "Every secret act of character, conviction, and corauge has been observed in living color by our omnicscient God." so can you hide your true character from everyone? nope. maybe ignorant people, but God is always watching. if we sincerely wish to walk with God we must seek to follow his commandments. and our character will take care of itself. character is important. and in order to have a good character we need to follow God's commandments. it doesnt matter what we try to hide from other people, God is always there. always watching. no matter where we are, or what we're doing. so instead of doing misdeeds that we need to hide from people, when we're really not hiding them at all, we should follow God and do good deeds for his glory and have a good character that everyone can see and want to imitate!! ohhh and my nanas friend in Germany's mother got saved today, so please pray for her! thanks!!
i love y'all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

Thursday, August 30, 2007

God's creation

hey y'all!
today was normal. busy. i had school, boring. & then i went out to eat with candace & her dad & then i went to praise band practice, im really happy to be back singing with the praiseband!! i just lovee to singgg. its great. and im SO glad God has givin me the ability to singg.
mk so my devotion was on taking a look at God's creation. Psalm 77:14 says, "You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples." if you want to get to know God better, take a careful look at the stuff hes made! we need to pay close attention to Gods amazing work. we need to open our eyes, and our hearts, to the incredible things that God is doing around us! we need to have faith in our hearts that God can perform miracles. because he can. and if we just look, we'll see. we do not need to place limitations on a God who has none. instead of doubting what God can do, we need to trust what we should know he will do. something micraculous will happen to you, you just have to look. my devotion book says...dont miss out on the miracle of God's creation...its all around you!
i love y'all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

are you ready to move mountains?!

hey y'all!
today was great. wednesdays are always great. i love them. and im really excited about singing in the praiseband again :] mister allen challenged us to pray for an opportunity to witness to someone everyday. so im gunna start doing that, and start living my faith out loud so that other people will want to do the same!
i did my devotion on faith, & mountain moving. not the actual kind, the God kind. Matthew 17:20 says, "He replied, 'Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.' " now i think this is a pretty amazing verse. and we need to listen to what it says, with faith, NOTHING is impossible for us, not even moving a mountain. we just have to have faith that God will do it through us. we all have 'mountains to move' in our lives. but moving them requires faith. we need to be Christians that our faith is evident for all to see. God needs people who are willing to move mountains for His Glory. we need to let God help us move mountains. and the way to do that is to have faith in Him. Beth Moore said, "We are never stronger than the moment we admit we are weak" which is true our faith in God is never stronger than when we admit to Him that we are weak, and that we cant do anything without Him, but with Him, we can move mountains! if we dont have faith, we'll never acomplish this. and theres no limits on God so, have faith! hes the one person who will NEVER fail you. and ask yourself this...ARE YOU READY TO MOVE MOUNTAINS FOR JESUS?
i love y'all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


hey y'all!
today was normal. B day. B days are no fun. i cant wait till tomorrow. church :] i love wednesdays. church = the best part. and they're always A days.
i did my devotion on being discoraged. Joshua 1:9 says, "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and corageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discoraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." i absolutely love this verse. b/c it can really help you through a lot of things if you just take it to heart. even the most devout Christians become discoraged, its only human. but if we find ourselves in difficulte circumstances we dont need to lose hope, or become anxious. why? because God is here to help us through it. we just need to lift up our thoughts and prayers to our Heavenly Father. he will guide us through all our troubles. God is always with us. hes always going to protect us because he is faithful and he would never let us down. so we need ot live with courage b/c we have God, who created the universe, on our side! my devotion book tells us "if you're feeling discouraged, try to redirect your thoughts away from the troubles that plague you-foucus, instead, upon the oppourtunites that surround you" and thats really what we need to do. we cant let thoughts of discoragment control our lifes and further us from God we just need to lay all our troubles down to him and let him take care of us.
i love y'all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

Monday, August 27, 2007

im a Jesus Freak.

hey y'all
today was pretty good. school was the usual, but it was A day. and i like A day. B day, eh im not so thrilled about this whole block thing, is very confusing its messing up my homework schedule and everything. but anyway i went to dance tonight and we set goals, they're very high. but i think we can acheive them. i know i can if i pray :]
well we've been back in school for a week now. and i've noticed that when people ask me what i did this summer and i tell them i spent most of it at my church, they say "oh wow that must have been fun" all sarcastic like or they say "im sorry i never could have done that" and then when i tell them, "no i love it!" they look at me strangely. but i dont think people realize how awesome church can be. we go to worship our Creator! God! who sent his only Son to die for us! and we get to spend time with other Christians and we play games go places have awesome music, and its just an absolute blast. i cant think of any place i'd rather be than at church with Jesus & all my friends. but thats okay. they can look at me strange all they want, they dont know what they're missing out on. hopefully they'll realize they're missing out on an amazing thing and want to become part of it. so i finally witnessed to weston today. i mean really witnessed. he was unhappy with how his life was going and i said he needed to pray about it, and that i knew if he just trusted God and accepted his Son everything would get better. i told him he'd still have troubles, but he'd have Jesus to get him through them, and he'd never feel alone. and i got the most amazing response from wes. he simply replied, "your right." and then i went on to tell him about how to accept Jesus & what Jesus could do and he said "thanks" & when i had to go hes like "thanks for everything :]" well i told him to thank God, not me. and well it was just great. he also told me hes been having alot of fun at church lately & hes been listening to what the preachers saying. well i thought about Pastor Chads sermons & how he'd like to hear Pastor Chad preach b/c i lovee how Pastor Chad preaches. and so i told him to go listen to Pastor Chads "Best Friends for Eternity" sermon. i hope he listens & likes it.
so that was pretty great.
well i love y'all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

Sunday, August 26, 2007

it really just hit me.

hey y'all
today was greatt :] sundays are always great. but it really just hit me, today was Pastor Chad's last sunday. hes such a great preacher and his new church is going to do great things i know it b/c God's all over it. but me, and im sure everyone else at newhope, is really really going to miss him. he was a really great pastor at newhope, the only pastor at a church i've ever felt like comfortable just talking too...and his sermons were always the bomb. and well im really just going to miss him. and mister david, the coolest sunday school teacher in the world, he was like the first person i met at new hope and hes always been really great. hes always there for the youth group, working his butt off to do things for us. he'll be dearly missed by all of us. and mister robbie...who knows me as 'noah' he worked so hard with the music at new hope...ima miss him & barry too. barry was great with the kids & doing elevate. i know that this new church they're starting is just going to be the bomb. i just want y'all to know that i love you & that i wish you the best at your new church, and i'll be praying for y'all and reading y'alls blogs :] thanks for everything. i've really changed because of all of you. my relationship was never this close to God until i started comming to new hope and i met all of you. we'll miss you dearly, but i know God is going to do amazing things with y'all.
God Bless!
- crystal jade

Friday, August 24, 2007

GodStock is 1 day away!

hey y'all!
today was pretty good. better than they've been anyway. HILLCREST BEAT MAULDIN!!!! YEESS!!! GO RAMMSSS! haha the game was cool me candace & rachel painted up for it :] haha we're gunna paint up for GodStock tomorrow too, ch'yeah! i am just SOO glad its the weekend. not that its not gunna be busy because im swamped this weekend. GodStock ALLLL day tomorrow & then church Sunday. i really hope 1000 students show up at GodStock and i REALLY hope a TON of them get saved :] its gunna be great! & i cant wait to see what wonderful things God does! im excited about spending all weekend at new hope. even if it does mean being up till LATEEE saturday night cleaning up. haha.
well sorry its short
but its late
i love y'all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

oh && GO RAMS!!!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

have a healthy fear of God

hey y'all!
im pooped. i just got home from dance. and amy worked us really hard tonight. today was B day at school, i really dislike B day. bleh. today was another eh...alright day. im a little stressed about something right now...but God will make it okay :] im still workin on the GodStock thing, handed out more cards today! theres so many people with them at school. im really excited about it. i hope 1000 students show up! i know God can do it!
my devotion was on having a healthy fear [or great respect] of God. Hebrews 12:28 says, "Therefore, since we are reciving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe." we need to have a healthy fearful respect for God's power. real wisdom begins with a tremendous respect for Gods awesome power. God praises humility. so that is what we should show him. his greatest servents are humble people. we need not to care for our glory, but for the glory of God! my devotion book says "In God's kingdom the only way to acheive greatness is to shun it." and thats very true. we werent put here to gain glory for ourselves, our soul purpose is to live to glorify our Creator. God is all-knowing, and all-powerful, we must respect him and obey his commandments. because with pride, theres consequences. we need to respect God and be very fearful of disobeying him. God is great, and he deserves respect. remember, he created you, and this entire universe you live in. so show him some respect!
i love y'all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

trust God's promises

hey y'all
today was okay. church was good. great lesson as always. but eh, it was just one of those days. schools becomming overwhelming and i just have some other stuff going on, but im praying about it. i am really excited about GodStock though. i think its going to be really fun. but newhope youth has A LOT of work to do. haha.
well anyway my devotion was on trusting God's promises. Hebrews 10:36 says, "You need to preservere so that when you have done the will of God, you will recieve what he has promised." God has made many promises to all of us, and he will keep every single one of them. the promises are found in the Bible! its our guide to life, and we need to take what it says to heart. including its promises. we also need to follow its commandments and spread its word! Gods prmises never fail, we should trust them all, and share them with everyone around us. Charles Swindoll said, "There are four words i wish we would never forget, "God keeps his word". which is true. you know friends may betray us, family might even betray us, im sure we've all had broken promises by someome, but God will NEVER betray us. hes always here, always listening, and always doing what he says he will do. we dont need to worry, we just have to trust in God and know that through him, everything will always be okay. hes only wants the best for us.
i love y'all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

random thoughts :]

hey y'all!
today was the usual school day. soo dull & boring. haha. these 90 minute classes are rediculous. but im excited about telling everyone my amazing summer at church & stuff, i want people to realize how fun it really is to be involved in something bigger :] so...some random thoughts...

GodStock is really going to be amazing. we're trying to make it a big thing at Hillcrest. and Brad, Candace, & I created an event on Facebook and we invited almost 400 people, so we're really hoping to get a really big turnout!

I really want to see someone accept Christ and really take to heart what i have said to them when witnessing this year. i've been thinking about it, and though i've witnessed to alot of people, i dont think i've ever seen them accept Christ because of it, and i just think that would be a really amazing feeling. and just an amazing thing to see God do.

I am really going to try to live my faith out loud this year. i dont care if im an outcast and if im labled a Jesus Freak. thats what i want. i want people to see a difference in me. because i've gotten alot closer to God ever since i started going to New Hope.

whoever invented block scheduling needs to be beat. i really dislike it. i cant pay attention for 50 minutes, let alone 90 minutes. and its so confusing b/c i have A lunch one day, and C lunch the next. goodness i am going to get all jumbled up this year. and i am totally not looking forward to lugging my huge guitar case to school tomorrow. but what can ya do? haha.

i love y'all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

Monday, August 20, 2007

first day back

hey y'all!
so today was the first day of my junior year. goodness gracious, i am NOT ready to be back at school. haha. the block scheduling is badd. i really dont like sitting there for and hour and a half every class. and i got so confused. haha. i got to hand out a bunch of GodStock cards today and will continue too all week. and tell people about church all summer and how fun its been. it was really neat. i really am going to try to step it up this year and let everyone see that im a Christian and that its REALLY great to have Jesus in my heart :] im really excited about my guitar class. it sounds really fun. and then tonight i went to dance and did contemporary & now im home.
my devotion was on making your actions conform to your beliefs. Matthew 7:20 says, "Therefore by their fruits you will know them. (NKJV)" we can say what we believe as much as we want, but it doesnt mean anything until we show others we mean what we say through our actions. my devotion book says, the sermons that we live are far more compelling than the ones we preach. the way we life is a reflection of what we truly believe. Lesslie Newbigin said "It is less improtant to ask a Christian what he or she believes about the Bible than to inquire what he or she does with it." we can read the bible until our hearts content but what we need to do is take it to heart and live by what it says. talking about our beliefs is one thing, living them is another. so show people what us Christians are made of! like mister allen said sunday night, if you squeeze a christian really hard, what should pop out?? JESUS!! haha.
i love y'all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

Sunday, August 19, 2007

entrusting your hopes to God!

hey y'all!
today was great. got up & went to church, great sermon Pastor Chad! and then i came home & hung out & then went back to church :] after the sermon me mitchell candace & kody went out in the field and attempted to play some sort of makeshift football, that was more like keep-away, and i ended up turning around, and runnig straight into mitchells hand, candace hit me in the face with the ball, and then i slipped and fell when trying to get the ball from mitchell. haha. then went out to eat with mitchell, megan, mrs rhonda, mr mark, mr lyle, and my brother at zaxbys. it was fun :]
my devotion was on entrusting your hopes to God. Isaiah 26:3, "You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you." we have to place our hope in God and the promises he gives us. if we feel discouraged, remember Psalm 31:24, "Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart, all you who hope in the Lord (NKJV). " we all face dissapointments and failures but these are only temprorary because we have God who has promised us eternal life. God always keeps his promises and so we should trust in him in everything we do. we shouldnt doubt him, because he will ALWAYS answer our prayers. we never need to be afraid to hope in God. hes there for us, just like my devotion book says, today, tomorrow, & forever.
i love y'all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

Friday, August 17, 2007

be on guard against temptation

hey y'all!
today was great. i woke up & mitchell called & we talked for a little bit & then candace came & got me at 12 and we went back to her hourse & hung out & then went up to the church at 2 and hung around until mitchell & megan & dakoda got there & then we went to get icecream with mr allen, it was fun. last friday of the summer. my goodness that is sort of depressing. haha. at the moment, hillcrest is actually doing well. the score is 25-28 [TL Hanna of course] but we still are only down by three, which is amazing. b/c usually hillcrests first game of the season is a shutout. idk whats into them players tonight, it HAS to be a God thing. b/c we all know its a miracle if hillcrest wins a football game. haha
anyway, my devotion was on being on guard against temptation. we all are tempted with many things, but it is up to us to keep our guard up. Matthew 26:41 says, "Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing but the body is weak." which is totally true. satan tempts us to get us to do things that will not please God. in our day & age we are tempted with many different things, but we have to put our faith to God and not give in to these temptations. Vance Havner said, "It is not the Word hidden in the head that keeps us from sin. It is the Word hidden in the heart." which is true. sometimes we have to forget what our head is telling us, and go with what our heart says. remember, Jesus is in our heart. and he will tell us what is right & what isnt. we need to avoid things that bring temptation to us and not give into it!
i love y'all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

Thursday, August 16, 2007


hey y'all!
today was good. i went to candaces and we hung out all day, and mitchell stuck ice on me whenever he got home from work & then splashed me with water...goodness that boy. haha. me & candace are pretty cool, i think, we so sat in that plastic fish pond thing that we filled up with water outside, hahaha. we're dorks, i know.
well i did my devotion on keeping your priorities in line with God's priorities. James 4:8 says, "Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded." we need to ask God to help us prioritize our lives. we need to ask for guidance and courage to do thinks we know need to be done. which means were asking God to reveal himself to us. we need to make God's priorities our priorities. he will give us his abundance & peace. he should be our partner in every aspect of our life so he can lead us along the proper path: his path. Gods will needs to be our ultimate priority. Gloria Gaither said, "With God, it's never 'plan b' or 'second best.' its always 'plan a.' And if we let him, he'll make something beautiful of our lives" and he really will. we just have to let him in, and let him rule our lives, and remember that what God wants for us, is best for us. we just have to remember when, prioritizing, put God first, above all things :] and we'll experiance things we'd never imagine!
i love y'all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

be thankful!

hey y'all!
today was greattttt!!! anna came over around 1:30 and i hadnt seen her in FOREVER and so we hung out for awhile and then she left & i got ready & went and picked up candace & then went to churchh. we just did prayer requests because mrs gale didnt have the fuel tape. i had a great time though :]] well up until i think it was kori it me in the head with a ball on accident, it hurt REALLYYY bad.
well anyway my devotion was on being thankful. Psalm 106:1 says, "Praise the Lord, Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endrues forever." we should be thankful for all the blessings that God has given us. we need to take time everyday and thank him for what he has done. sometimes life can be demanding and we have to rush from place to place, and we forget to thank God for how wonderful he is. its understandable, but wrong. so we need to take time out of our busy schduels to thank our Creator for everything he has done for us, and everything he has given to us. Mother Teresa said "The best way to show my gratitiude to God is to accept everything, even my problems, with joy." and the bible tells us that as well. we need not to overlook the gifts God has given us, we need to treasure everything he gives us and always thank him for it because can you imagine life with out him? no, of course not, b/c we wouldnt even be here! so, give thanks to God for everything!
i love y'all
God Bless!
- crystal jade

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


hey y'all!
today i didnt do much just layed around talked to mitchell this mornin & candace later on and thats about it haha. yeahh pretty boring tomorrowww :]] so im excited. rickys been sitting at the computer allll day, he never sits at the computer this long i mean goodnesss. haha.
well my devotion was on the wisdom of kindness. Proverbs 11:17 says, "A kind man benefits himself, but a cruel man brings trouble on himself." kindness is its own reward. and as Christians we need to show kindness to the people around us. God's commandments tell us this. kindness, compassion, and forgivness are hallmarks of the Christian faith, so everywhere we go we need to give honor to God and show everyone kindness and how happy Jesus can make us! Jesus showed compassion for us. now its time to glorify him and show compassion for others. we need not only to show kindness through our words, but also through our actions. St. Teresa said, "The nicest thing we can do for our heavenly father is to be kind to one of His children." and Ambrose of Milan said, "No one heals himself by wounding another" which is totally true, by wounding another we only further the wounds in ourselves. we need not to only think kind thoughts but to also do kind things, and show others that we care! kind talk is good, but we need to show kind action! so go out & do something kind for people :]
i love y'all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

Monday, August 13, 2007

trust God's wisdom!!

hey y'all!
today was pretty much boring, i didnt really do anything. went to take my drivers test, and failed, yet again. and then i had dance tonight, which i totally forgot about until like an hour before it started. and then i talked to mitchell for a little while, but now hes off to bed.
my devotion was on trusting God's wisdom. Proverbs 16:22, "Understanding is a fountai nof life to those who have it..." the worlds wisdom is often wrong and dangerous but Gods wisdom can bring us closer to him. we need to place our trust in Gods wisdom instead of the wrong wisdom of the world. if we're tired, discouraged, fearful we dont have to be. we can be comforted in knowing that God will make everything okay. Gods power can help us through anything no matter how we're feeling. unlike the worlds wisdom, Gods wisdom will NEVER let us down. if we take Gods wisdom we dont have to be unsure about things because we know that God is always right. we need not to dwell on our troubles in this world but to trust in God and know that no matter what happens, hes always here, and we always have his wisdom to help us through things. we have to remember, God knows everything! and he most def. knows what is best for us :]
i love y'all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

Sunday, August 12, 2007

put God in his rightful place!

hey y'all!
today was great. sundays are always great. church was amazing as always! great sermon pastor chad. and barry! you did a greattt job preaching at youth tonight! i went and hung out with ashley & candace after i took a nap after church & then we went to church and then i went out to eat with mitchell and megan and mrs rhonda & lyle at zaxbys. it was fun :]
well my devotion last night was on putting God in his rightful place. Exodus 20:3 says, "You shall have no other gods before me." if we really want to know God we should start by putting him first! we need to give him our heart, soul, talents, and our time. we dont need to be just "sunday" Christians. we need to worship God everday and glorify him in all that we do! God needs to rule our hearts, not wordly things. something barry said tonight that i want to share with y'all, Jesus gave his life for us. he DIED for us. and he asks for very little in return. we should want to gloryify him in everthing because of what he did for us! he willingly went through torment and ultimately died so that we could spend eternity with him. he loves us that much. we dont need to let anything get in the way of our relationship with God. so, think about it, how much of your life do you give to your creator? have you given him your heart and soul?? and are you using the talents he blessed you with to glorify him??
i love y'all!
God Bless!

- crystal jade

Saturday, August 11, 2007

follow your conscience

hey y'all!
today was good! i went out this morning with ashley & rachel to the flea market in greer to look at mrs beths bags & stuff for school & then i talked to mitchell for a little while, he got his fourwheeler, thank goodness. he talked about that thing so much yesterday i ended up dreaming about it. haha. and then i went to sonic with my mom & ricky to support the hhs jv cheerleaders since my moms best friend's daughter is one. and then we went to poinsettia pool & went swimming with my moms best friend & her family. i got to see my booger man! haha [moms best friends 6 year old son, evan] hes getting soo big.
anyway, i did my devotion last night on following your conscience. Hebrews 10:22 says, "let us draw nearo God with a sincere heart in full assurance f faith, hving our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water." God gave us a conscience for a reason, so we can conform our paths to his will. Billy Graham said, "Most of us follow our conscience as we follow a wheelbarrow. We push it infront of us in the direction we want to go." which is wrong to do. we really need to listen to that voice God planted into our hearts to keep us from doing the wrong timg. as Christians, we need to make it a practice to carefully listen to our conscience. when it speaks, we should listen to it, and learn from it. God is trying to speak to us, so we def. need to hear it :] we need to treat our conscience like a trusted advisor, after all, God put it there, and we are to trust him above all things because he only wants what is best for us! so next time you hear that little voice in your heart telling you something, listen and learn!
i love y'all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

Friday, August 10, 2007

finding the courage to follow God!

hey y'all!
i didnt do much today. i was gunna go to candaces but her gma didnt get up in time. so i kindah just hung aroudn the house all day and then i was talkin to mitchell on the phone, haha hes such a dork. but thats okay :]
anyway, my devotion was on finding the courage to follow God! 1 Chronicles 28:20 says, "...Be strong and corageous, and do the work. Do not be afrad or discouraged, for the Lord God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you..." no matter how desperate our circumstances are, we can have hope for the future, because we are saved by Jesus!! God promised we are his all of enternity. we must place our hopes in him. we need to have the courage to follow God even if the path seems difficult, and even if our heart is fearful. we need to trust in God and with everything we do. we should do his work and share his word. we need to look to God to guide our steps, because he will never lead us astray. my devotion book says: we should cling to Gods promises and always pray. he will give us the strength to meet any challenge and that is exactly what we should ask him to do. so have courage and follow Gods path for you! because through God, we can accomplish anything for his glory!! i think thats pretty amazing!
i love y'all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

Thursday, August 9, 2007


hey y'all!
omgoodness! i got FRIEDDDD today. haha. i went over to candaces and we were outside alllll day. it was a really eventful morning. lets see...we overflowed the flowerpot in the kitchen, dismantled and moved the hammoc to the middle of the yard, candace jumped up & tiped me off the hammoc, we cleaned the deck, then we went inside and overflowed the deep frier and then she dropped a huge ketchup bottle on my foot and it bounced off and hit hers. and all of this was BEFORE 1. ahha. and then mitchell came home from work and totally drenched me with the hose. haha. but i got him back :]
mk so my devotion was on looking for fulfilment in all the right places. John 10:9-11 says, "I am the gate; whoever enters through me wil lbe saved. He will come in and go out, and find pasture. The theif comes only to steal and kill and destroy; O jave come that they make have life, and have it to the full. I am the good shepard. The good shepard lays down his life for his sheep" where can we find fufilment? its a gift from God when when trust in him and follow his commands. the world seems really preoccupied with the search for happiness, when we really dont have to look for it. the only peace is a spritual gift from God for those who obey him and accpet his will. if we dont find contentment in God, we wont ever find it. if we seek him & obey him we will be blessed with an amazing inner peace :] if he dwells at the center of our lives, so will peace. so we just need to trust in God and obey him :] and we'll have an amazing peace.
i love y'all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

absolute truth!

hey y'all
today was good. worked on my history project a little bit, bleh. homework before school even starts, this is sooo wrong. haha. and then i went to church & i really like the new fuel! and now im waitin on mitchell to call me back b/c hes talkin to jojo.
i wanna talk about what we talked about at church tonight :]
we talked about how truth is found in Jesus. we shouldnt try to define truth ourselves, b/c everyone has a different perception of what truth is. so how do we find out what is the actual truth? we let God define what truth is. there is only one God, so there is only one truth and it is the same for all people. Gods truth is abosolute :] and he doesnt hide it. Gods truth is for us to plainly see in his word, the Bible. Jesus's truth sets us free. and we can see that in John 8:31-31. and one of my favorite verses, John 14:6, "I am the way and the truth and the life. noone comes to the father except through me" and he is Jesus is our everything. and everything in God's word is the truth, so we should trust it. and nothing else. if we're not sure about whether something is the truth or not...consult God!!
i love y'all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

make the most of time!

hey y`all!
today was okay i guess. we went and got schedules. and books. which just means school is all the more closer, and i must say, i am not ready to go back. its pretty much depressing that i dont have any classes with ashley but i do have one with rachel :] but hopefully i'll get to witness to alot of people this year :] otherwise i didnt really do much today.
my devotion last night was making the most of the time we have here on earth. the bible says in Proverbs 12:11, "Hard work means prosperity; only fools idle away their time" (NLT)
time is a gift from God and we dont need to invest our time in things that dont mean anything in the long run. we need to do a good job on things that are important, and not put them off until the last minute. time is shoter than we think. when need to take the time we have and use it to glorify God! we dont have a whole lot of time here on earth but while we're here its our job to lead as many people as we can to Christ! why would we want to give someone a ticket to hell? thats basically waht we're doing when we dont take the chance and witness to somebody and mister allen has been telling us that lately, and hes right. so take your time, and use it wisely! use it for God!
i love y`all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

Monday, August 6, 2007

put faith above feelings.

hey y'all
sorry i didnt write yesterday. we were at mitchells till late, haha. oh my goodness. i have never been so dirty. i got on that fourwheeler of kodys and went through that big old mud hole mitchell has in his yard with mitchell and oh goodness. haha. i was mud from head to toe! i even had mud up my nose. took me like 30 minutes in the shower to get clean. but we had a great time :] haha
my devotion was on putting faith above feelings. Hebrews 10:38 says, " But my righteous one will live by faith..." it teaches us that we should live by faith. sometimes negative feelings can rob of us of God's peace. if we live souly by faith, we are not seperated from God by feelings of anger and anxiety. feelings can be very fickel, our faith stays strong. we shouldnt let our negative emotions control us, we need not to trust them, but to instead trust in God. my devotion book says "Feelings come and go, but God never changes." and he really doesnt. hes always been here, always been the same, and hes always there for us. and we need to trust him when he tells us that everything will be okay no matter how bad we feel.
i love y'all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

Saturday, August 4, 2007

choose wise role models :]

hey y'all!
sorry i didnt write yesterday! but anyway, today was good! i went to the church picnic, it was extremely hot, but it was fun. i watched mitchell play softball and showed megan dance moves, haha. and now i've been singin haha, i lovee to sing :] church in the mornin! cant wait to hear what Pastor Chad's gunna preach about.
so my devotion was on choosing wise role models. the bible says in Proverbs 1:5, "let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the discerning get guidance" we should choose role models whos faith in God is strong. when we emulate godly people, we become more of a godly person ourselves. we need to admire people who can make us better people and Christians. Marie T. Freeman said, "It takes a wise person to give good advice, but an even wise person to take it" and i really like that. if we need advice we need to talk to someone who knows the bible and about God :]
and my other devotion was on being too busy to God. and thats a question we need to ask ourselves, are we too busy for God?? Deuteronomy 6:12 says, "be careful that you do not forget the Lord..." do we value our elationship with God enough to spend a few minutes a day with Him?? he deserves atleast that much of our time, and much more. we dont need to try to just give God left over time, we need to spend time with him everyday, he deserves it, he is after all, our Creator. God needs to be our first priority. St. Augustine said, "Christ is not vauled at all unless he his valued above all" and we really need to vaule God above everything.
i love y'all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

Thursday, August 2, 2007

worship everyday!

hey y`all!
today was great! i went to candaces & we washed her gmas van & then layed out & just hung around outside all day & played with the doggies & the cat. and then when mitch came home from work & was over there candace decided it would be fun to drench me with water and so we got in a water fight with the hose, it was toooo much fun :] haha. & then i went to dance camp, and Amy confirmed what i already knew, im on the elite team, its great :] im reallyy happy about it!
well my devotion last night was on worshiping God everyday! the bible says in Matthew 4:10, "...Away from me, satan! For it is writtin: 'Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only." if we really want to get to know God and have a close relationship with him we have ot worship him all seven days of the week, and not only on Sundays. God has wonderful plans for our lives and an important part of that plan is the time we set aside for praise and worship. the question is not whether we worship, its what we worship. everyone worships something, Christians worship God, atheists worship things...and so on. we need to thank God for everything he has given us. worship isnt supposed to be just in chruch on sundays it should be a big part of our lives every single day. praise & worship bring us alot close to God and can help us succeed in the plan God has set out for us!
i love y`all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

trust God!

hey y`all.
i feel like an old lady. i am seriously walking like an old lady. i think i need a cain, hahaha. amy is trying to kill us at this dance camp. so friday, be ready for old lady crystal, b/c i still have to dance tomorrow for 3 hours. haha. we had this guy named london come today and teach us some hiphop he was really cool and he mentioned God alot whenever he talked to us about himself and i reallyyy liked that. i think that he'll be great at the stuido especially since he seems to be atleast pretty much right with God. i didnt go take my drivers test today b/c we couldnt find the paper, im gunna go take it friday morning.
so my devotion last night was on learning to trust God. the bible says in Psalm 25:1-2, "To you, O Lord, i lift up my soul; In you I trust, O my God. Do not let me be put to shame, nor let my enemies triumph over me." sometimes when we're overwhelmed by fear and doubts trusting God is difficult. but we need to trust God completely. we have to trust him with every single part of our lives. and we need to follow his commands and pray for his guidance. he will always reveal hismelf to us and his way is always better than our way so we need to trust him in everything and be joyful :] Angela Thomas said, "Even more than we long to be heard, God desires to listen" and its true, God is always there just waiting for us to talk to him about our lives. we need to depend upon God. wake up everymoring and tell him "i deny myself and i give my life to you God. lead me & guide me" which reminds me of a verse, Psalm 31:3, "Since You are my rock and my fortress, for the sake of Your name lead and guide me" i love that verse.
well i love y`all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade