Wednesday, March 28, 2007

tired and busy!

hey everyone!
welp i just endured an hour of my english teacher reading "A Tale of Two Cities" which has to be possibly the most boring book on the face of this earth. not to mention, reading to me, is def. not going to keep my attetion, im 16 and i can read for myself, haha. and im sitting here wondering why cant we ever read something more interesting, like the Bible, during english class. i have absolutely no idea why they pick the most boring books for us to read in english class, its like they want to torture us. anywho, enough complaning about english class. im in 2nd period at the moment, and we're not doing anything in here b/c our class is mostly juniors and all the juniors are gone for an assembly. today is a very busy day, i have to go to the dentist directly after school, and then i have dance practice, pray for us, b/c we have a competition saturday! and then after that i've got youth Bible study at church, which has to be the best thing today by far. im also pretty much excited about the Toby Mac concert tomorrow, haha. my best friend, Weston, scared the living daylights out of me this morning when he popped up out of nowhere at my locker this morning. i must say, i screamed pretty loud, and chelsea thought it was hilarious. i made an 88 on my science project yesterday, which isnt a horrible grade, but i def. have to say my teachers grading wasnt fair. rachel & chelsea would agree, ask them. haha. soo...anyway good luck to Chelsea & Candace at their lacrosse game against Greenville tonight! and also-pastor Chad-i really do hope the Clemson Tigers win the NIT tournament! i totally have to agree with the American idol thing, that Sanjay dude is def. a weird one. haha
well im out y`all
i love ya!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

1 comment:

Allen said...

C.S. You really are the bomb. Great Blog. Keep up the good work and I'll see you tonight at church.