Thursday, March 29, 2007

our God is an awesome God :]

hey everyone!
im in second period as usual after enduring another hour of my teacher reading that boring book, again. oh well, we're having a party tomorrow, haha. anyway, im totally excited about seeing Toby Mac tonight, i love Christian concerts, its really nice to hear them talk about Jesus. My devotion last night was intresting, i read about how Jesus healed the people & such, we all know the story, but its nice to read it for myself and all the wonderful things Jesus did while he was here, and that hes still doing now from Heaven. anyway, last night was interesting, and a couple phone calls left me very confused. so y`all pray for my confusion, b/c it really is giving me a headache. im not gunna get into all of it, but yeah. im not gunna let it get me down, b/c i know Jesus is right here to help me through everything and that he only wants what is best for me, so everything will be okay :]. i wanna congradulate chelsea for playing a great game at her lax game last night, way to go girl!! and also good luck to my lax ladies as the take on clinton at home tonight, i wish i could be there! and weston, i hope you feel better i know you were in a bad mood this morning, but thanks a ton for being there for me last night as you always are when im upset. we get report cards in 2 periods, ahhh! haha. thats pretty much scary. so im pretty much mad b/c my pants have a hole in them & i didnt know it haha, i cant wait to go home and changee! haha. i can barely walk up stairs, b/c my dance teacher tried to kill us last night with stretching us out, haha, and my school has a whole lot of stairs, so i am pretty sore. but atleast it'll make me a better dancer--in the long run--im not sure i could dance right now. haha.
well ima go, before this thing becomes a novel!
i love y`all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

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