Tuesday, March 27, 2007

2nd period post

hello everyone!
im sitting in 2nd period, and i figured i'd post something on here b/c i've finished all my work. i listened to pastor chad's sermon on "what if we dreamed big" last night, b/c i missed that sunday b/c of a dance competition and i do have to say it was a really good sermon, and i def. feel that God is going to do great things at nhbc. welp anyway theres not really much to say about my day since i've only been at school for 2 hours, but it gives me something to do in this boring class room. i forgot my science project in the car this morning [typical me] but my mother brought it so its all good. haha and me & chelsea got lost trying to find this one class room this morning, but thats pretty much the events so far of my day haha. ill post another one later.
i love y`all!!
God Bless!
♥ crystal jade

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