Wednesday, June 27, 2007

random thoughts :]

hey y`all!
well i did my homework for kims class, for my devotion last night so i really dont have anything to write about today so i figured i'd just share some random thoughts with y`all! today was good. i hung out with anna who i havent seen in a really long time & i got to go to my favorite place, new hope :] where mitchell FINALLY gave me my pen back. so now i dont have to beat him up. haha.

my first random thought, drama is no fun. like some people let other people just walk all over them, and i just cant stand to see them hurt. it just bothers me. i dont see how some people can just have so cold hearts to stab people in the back over & over again.

also. i need some feedback on my song-devotion ideaa. is it a good one? someone please tell me! haha. b/c i really love lyrics and i'd love to explain them & try to find the verses they're from soo if you think its a good idea, please tell me?

i have some prayer requests i'd like to share with yall:
-my uncle. hes an alcoholic & i really wish he'd come to church
-my dad. he gets mad over really dumb things and he cusses & screams and i just want to see Jesus work in his life.
-my mom. b/c she has to put up with my dads anger stuff.
-my friend. b/c theres this person who keeps hurting her
-and an unspoken.
-ohh andd cant forget kody's hip. haha promised him i'd pray for that.

so thats really all i have to write about today!
i love y`all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

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