Saturday, June 9, 2007


hey y`all!
well today was good. i went and got my hair cut. its not much shorter. but i like it. i've been reading pretty much all day and i finished one 500 page book and half of another soo yeah im a bit of a bookworm. haha. so yesterday in Landing Zone Eric was talking about music, and he read us Psalm 98. so i figured i'd tell y`all about the 2 verses that really stick out from this Psalm for me. and i am totally excited to hear Eric preach tomorrow on music since its one of my favoritee subjects. mk i just tripped over my dog. poor bailey. when i say i trip over everything, i literally mean, everything. im such a klutz. so anyway, Psalm 98. Verse 1 says "O sing unto the Lord a new song, for he hath done marvelous things his right hand and his holy arm hath gotten him the victory" which means, we should praise [sing] to God because he does marvelous things. and it just sticks out to me because i absolutely love to sing, and what better way to use it, than to praise God for the marvelous things he does!! and the other verse i really liked, which Eric also put much emphasis on was Psalm 98:4, which says "Make a joyful noise unto the Lord all the earth: make a loud noise, and rejoice, and sing praise" i LOVE this verse. in other words, our music should be joyful for the Lord, and it should be loud! so we should be loud and proud when we're prasin Jesus whether it be singing, playing guitar, drums or any other instrument. if we're going to make good music, and give it all we got, why not give it all we got for the Lord who loves us. the Lord who sent his son to save us :] i think thats a pretty great reason to get excited, dont you??
well i love y`all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

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