Saturday, September 1, 2007


hey y'all!
today was greatt! candace came & got me around 11ish and we went back to her house & hung out & then we went & got her moms car and drove around simpsonville/mauldin & went to woodruff road & to kohls in search of a clemson shirt for candace and then to this Christian store. i love Christian stores. and then we called this guy and screamed in his ear & then hung up. it was sooo funny. kody & mitchell went fourwheelin today. i was a little scared, them two plus two fourwheelers just sounds dangerous. but they're okay. haha.

welp i did my devotion on living on purpose. Ephesians 4:1 says, "As a prisoner of the Lord, then, i urge you to live a life worth of the calling you have recieved." life is best lived on purpose. and that purpose, begins with God. God has a plan for every single one of us. we each have a divine calling, a direction in whicch God is leading us. when we welcome God into our hearts & have a relationship with him, he will begin to reveal his purposes for our lives to us. sometimes his intentions will be totally clear to us, other times, they'll be a little cloudy. but we just have to put our trust in him completely that he will reveal his plan for us. we never need to lose sight of the fact that God created us for a reason. he has important work for each & everyone of us to do and hes waiting on us. it just up to us to do it. Angela Tomas said, "You can believe in Jesus Christ as your Savior, make heaven and miss hell, but never realize the power God intened for you to know in this life." now do you really want to go through life like that? missing out on the awesome things that God wanted you to do for his glory?!! but discovering God's purposes for us requires us to be open. Gods plan unfolds day by day but we have to keep our heart & eyes open so he can reveal his plans to us. he may have a few lessons to teach us before we can do his will and fufill his purpose. so remember. dont miss out on the awesome power of God!
i love y'all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

1 comment:

Kate Tollison said...

Crystal Jade,

You are an impressive, young lady. I can't wait to continue to see how God uses you and our youth for His glory.

I am praying for you.

Kate Tollison
New Hope Member